🚀 Scriptcase 9.12 is now available! Check out the new features here 👉 🚀 Scriptcase 9.12 is now available!


Version comparison

See how Scriptcase compares to previous versions.

Compare with
Version 9.12
FEB 2025
Version 9.11
OCT 2024
Version 9.10
MAR 2024
Version 9.10
DEC 2023
Version 9.9
MAR 2023
Version 9.9
NOV 2022
Version 9.8
AUG 2022
Version 9.7
OCT 2021
Version 9.6
DEC 2020
Version 9.5
SEP 2020
Version 9.4
JUL 2019
Version 9.3
JAN 2019
Version 9.2
JUL 2018
Version 9.1
MAY 2018
Version 9
APR 2017
Version 8 Version 7

New Charts for BI and Analytics. Heat Map, Tree Map, Sankey, Sunburst, Chord Graph and Gantt

released in v9.12 New window

Interface & Tools

New Interface with "Chart" Tab and Grid Improvements

released in v9.12 New window

Interface & Tools

Theme Customization (New Theme Blocks, Gradient Colors and Custom Scrollbar)

released in v9.12 New window


Mega Menu - expandable navigation system for large volumes of content.

released in v9.12 New window


Fullcalendar in Year Mode. Choose between Year, Grid, and Stack modes.

released in v9.12 New window


Enhanced Firebird Connections (Charset, Role e Dialect).

released in v9.12 New window


SSH Connections Enhanced integration with LDAP and Active Directory using LdapRecord

released in v9.12 New window

Third Party Libraries

Google reCAPTCHA v3 and Google OAuth 2.0

released in v9.12 New window

Third Party Libraries

Updated Font Awesome

released in v9.12 New window

Control Application

Customize Your Authentication in Real Time

released in v9.12 New window


Set custom hints for links - sc_event_hint

released in v9.12 New window

Interface & Tools

Disable Browser Auto-Fill (autocomplete=off)

released in v9.11 New window

Interface & Tools

Block Past Times in Date/Time Fields

released in v9.11 New window

Interface & Tools

Regular Expressions in Text Fields

released in v9.11 New window

Third Party Libraries

Tippy.js Theme Editor

released in v9.11 New window

Third Party Libraries

Tooltip with Tippy.js for Grid Fields Labels

released in v9.11 New window

Third Party Libraries

Tippy.js for adding helpful tooltips

released in v9.11 New window

Project templates

25 new themes for the Responsive Menu

released in v9.11 New window

Project templates

Responsive Menu Theme Editor

released in v9.11 New window


New sc_notification Macro

released in v9.11 New window


Notifications in Responsive Menu

released in v9.11 New window


Notifications Module

released in v9.11 New window

Interface & Tools

Disable or reset the filter without opening it

released in v9.11 New window

Interface & Tools

Advanced Filter Builder with Drag and Drop

released in v9.11 New window

Interface & Tools

Theme available, SoftCloud, in two different sizes.

released in v9.10.010 New window

Interface & Tools

New options for configuring themes in the advanced configuration of themes.

released in v9.10.010 New window

Interface & Tools

Option to link header and footer HTML templates to the themes.

released in v9.10.010 New window


Option for using frames in form blocks and filters.

released in v9.10.010 New window


Two new themes for the Charts: sc_DeepSkyBlue and sc_HighChart.

released in v9.10.010 New window

Grids and Reports

New layout for Grids modal.

released in v9.10.010 New window

Grids and Reports

"Dual ListBox" component for dynamic and intuitive modals' item selection.

released in v9.10.010 New window


“Required Fields" text customization.

released in v9.10.010 New window


New resposive menu.

released in v9.10 New window


BI improvements.

released in v9.10 New window

Grids and Reports

New security module.

released in v9.10 New window

Grids and Reports

Grouping Fields.

released in v9.9.008 New window

Grids and Reports

Grid Action bar improvements.

released in v9.9.008 New window

Grids and Reports

Feedback fields in Summary and Group by.

released in v9.9.008 New window

Grids and Reports

Grid fixed toolbar.

released in v9.9.008 New window

Grids and Reports

New options in the Grid Chart.

released in v9.9.008 New window

Interface & Tools

Performance Improvement in Connections.

released in v9.9.008 New window

Interface & Tools

Improvements in the Development Interface.

released in v9.9.008 New window

Grids and Reports

Grouping Fields.

released in v9.9 New window

Grids and Reports

Grid Action bar improvements.

released in v9.9 New window

Grids and Reports

Feedback fields in Summary and Group by

released in v9.9 New window

Grids and Reports

Grid fixed toolbar.

released in v9.9 New window


Performance Improvement in Connections.

released in v9.9 New window

Interface & Tools

New interface for creating an internal library.

released in v9.9 New window

Interface & Tools

Notification for ‘’saving changes’’ improved.

released in v9.9 New window

Grids and Reports

Action bar.

released in v9.9 New window

Grids and Reports

Advanced Sub-query.

released in v9.9 New window


New APIs: Google Sheets, Braintree, Stripe, and Mercado Pago.

released in v9.9 New window


Feedback Fields within the form.

released in v9.9 New window


Lookup Optimization.

released in v9.9 New window


New template system including more than 30 forms.

released in v9.9 New window

Interface & Tools

Added support to PHP version 8.1.

released in v9.8 New window


Fixed columns in the Form application (multiple records, editable grid, and editable grid view).

released in v9.7 New window


Editable Grid view horizontal form’s type with editing and inclusion option using a modal window.

released in v9.7 New window


Option to customize sort icons on field labels in forms.

released in v9.7 New window

Interface & Tools

In a simple way now is possible to apply Font Awesome icons within the sorting options into the form application.

released in v9.7 New window

Report PDF

Now with mobile support, new HTML, new options, and faster rendering on screen.

released in v9.7 New window

Grids and Reports

‘Open in a new tab’ property within the grid application links.

released in v9.7 New window

Report PDF

Progress bar for PDF exportation.

released in v9.7 New window


Option for vertical alignment settings for Forms

released in v9.7 New window


Option of "Inputs with 100% width" in the settings of the Control and Form applications

released in v9.7 New window


Label below the field in the fields of the Gorm and Grid applications.

released in v9.7 New window


New display format for displaying the date field: Watermark

released in v9.7 New window

Control Application

Watermark option in Control application blocks

released in v9.7 New window


New sc_statistic macro

released in v9.7 New window

Grids and Reports

Save button improvements with more configuration options

released in v9.7 New window

Grids and Reports

New "Save status" button to save data in the application session

released in v9.7 New window

Grids and Reports

New option to inherit lookups within Grid Group by

released in v9.7 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to fix columns for the Grid summary Group by

released in v9.7 New window


Native option in the security module to remember password

released in v9.7 New window


New native security features for HTTP response headers and cookies

released in v9.7 New window


Mobile-optimized grids, summaries, and charts!

released in v9.7 New window


New collapse/expand the option for filter and more.

released in v9.7 New window


Wizard form

released in v9.7 New window


Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Google Auth, E-mail or SMS

released in v9.7 New window


Option to configure sending emails in the security module via API

released in v9.7 New window


Google API Integration for 2FA

released in v9.7 New window


Graphics optimized for mobile devices!

released in v9.7 New window


New chart the Overlapping bars & columns

released in v9.7 New window


Scrolling option for 2D Bar, 2D Column, Line, 2D Area graphics.

released in v9.7 New window


Zoomline option for line graph.

released in v9.7 New window


sc_btn_disabled to dynamically enable or disable toolbar buttons.

released in v9.7 New window


sc_btn_label to change the label of the buttons

released in v9.7 New window


sc_get_wizard_step for perform any necessary validation in wizard form

released in v9.7 New window


New parameter "reply_to" at sc_mail_send macro

released in v9.7 New window

Project templates

Restaurant Table Management

released in v9.7 New window


Form with mobile optimization

released in v9.7 New window


Calendar with mobile optimization

released in v9.7 New window


Security settings for the end-user

released in v9.7 New window


Security settings for the end-user

released in v9.7 New window

Grids and Reports

Fixed columns in the grid, freezes the data of the column during the horizontal scroll.

released in v9.7 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to customize sort icons on field labels in grids.

released in v9.7 New window


Connection with cloud databases

released in v9.6 New window


New option of integration with cloud storage services.

released in v9.6 New window


New Storage Macros

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

New Quicksearch Options

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

New Search & Highlight Option

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

New Reload Button

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

Show/hide Password Toggle Option

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

New Component For Viewing Images

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

New Class Of Rounded Buttons

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

New Application Themes Available

released in v9.6 New window


Real-time Json

released in v9.6 New window

Project templates

Pos Template System

released in v9.6 New window

Interface & Tools

New themes templates

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Improved the interface for CSS buttons customization

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Google Fonts integration

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

New alerts and toasts with SweetAlert

released in v9.5 New window

Grids and Reports

Progress bar for XLS (Excel), XML, DOC (Word), CSV, RTF and print export

released in v9.5 New window

Grids and Reports

Excel export now with Grid Totals

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

FontAwesome icons integrated

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Added new Midnight Theme

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Added new button layout for Calendar application

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Form CRUD with native SweetAlert Toast alerts

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

New option to link the Chart’s theme to the application's CSS theme

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Adding Font Awesome support to manually created buttons

released in v9.5 New window

Grids and Reports

New “initial value” option for Advanced and Dynamic Search fields

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Added support for PHP 7.3 environments with IonCube Loader.

released in v9.5 New window

Third Party Libraries

Added support for Spreadsheet library on Excel exports.

released in v9.5 New window

Grids and Reports

New JSON exportation option

released in v9.5 New window

Grids and Reports

New library for Excel exportation

released in v9.5 New window

Grids and Reports

Integration of Grid + form creation

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Automatic execution option for Grids, Forms, and Calendars

released in v9.5 New window

Interface & Tools

Project creation process improved

released in v9.5 New window

Grids and Reports

Option for password in form PDF export.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to export compressed PDF (.zip) in grid applications

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Option for password in chart export to Excel, Word, CSV, XML and images.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to display items in the export to the end user in the grid and chart applications.

released in v9.4 New window


Option to export compressed PDF (.zip) in chart applications

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to display items in the export to the end user in the grid and chart applications.

released in v9.4 New window


Option for password in chart export to PDF, Excel, Word, CSV, XML and images.

released in v9.4 New window

Interface & Tools

Option "Distinguish uppercase/lowercase" in the express edition of the applications.

released in v9.4 New window


Option to allow files to be downloaded through Document type fields, even if readonly.

released in v9.4 New window

Project templates

New Delivery Tracking System Released

released in v9.4 New window


Option to add password (using a fixed value or global variable) to protect the exported files in PDF, XML, EXCEL, WORD and RTF

released in v9.4 New window

Project templates

Option to display titles on all PDF pages

released in v9.4 New window

Project templates

Option to display header on all PDF pages

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Dynamic columns selection for PDF, XML, EXCEL, WORD, RTF and PRINT

released in v9.4 New window

Report PDF

Dynamic selection of modules for PDF display (Grid, Summary and Chart)

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to export Grid and Summary in Excel tabs;

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to export Excel with "XLS" or "XLSX" formats

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Dynamic module selection (Grid and Summary) in Excel, XML and CSV and Grid in Word, RTF

released in v9.4 New window

Interface & Tools

Option to display CSV settings for export

released in v9.4 New window


Integration with the CHATAPI library to use with WhatsApp

released in v9.4 New window


New macro to send whatsapp messages: sc_send_whatsapp

released in v9.4 New window


New option for setting the level of the APIs as public, project and user.

released in v9.4 New window


Option to insert a trendline in a chart, to attract the attention of viewers to a particular section within data values, on any of the axes.

released in v9.4 New window


Option to insert trend zones to a chart. They are similar to trend lines, except that they mark out an entire range of values, rather than just a single value.

released in v9.4 New window

Interface & Tools

Option for you to create/edit code snippets and add to them events.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

New options to express configuration for Grid fields.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Improvements to usability of Grid application link-interface

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Added for Grid and Form filters the select2, slide, auto-complete, switch and checkbox dropdown and options - fields.

released in v9.4 New window


Option to insert trend zones to a chart. They are similar to trend lines, except that they mark out an entire range of values, rather than just a single value.

released in v9.4 New window

Interface & Tools

Option for you to create/edit code snippets and add events.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

New options to express configuration for Grid fields.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Improvements to usability of Grid application link-interface

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Added for Grid and Form filters the select2, slide, auto-complete, switch and checkbox dropdown and options - fields.

released in v9.4 New window

Interface & Tools

New watermark options in filter fields.

released in v9.4 New window

Interface & Tools

Option for data-type fields to display format next or below for: Control, Calendar, Filters and Form.

released in v9.4 New window


Added relative dashboard filters for indexes.

released in v9.4 New window


Fixed label option added in the application for the horizontal-type Form.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Fixed label option added in the Grid’s Summary.

released in v9.4 New window


Added new option for the Form to put the “Help” next to the titles.

released in v9.4 New window


New Macro sc_apl_default added to set an initial application to return upon session crash.

released in v9.4 New window


Macro sc_apl_default now available at creation for security module.

released in v9.4 New window


Fixed error in the timing of the users using the ldap security module.

released in v9.4 New window

Grids and Reports

Advanced and dynamic searches with relative period customization option, as already available in the summary and chart filters.

released in v9.3 New window

Grids and Reports

Advanced and dynamic searcheswith relative period customization option, as already available in the summary and chart filters

released in v9.3 New window

Grids and Reports

Digital signature, rating star, slider and switch toggle fields being displayed automatically in Grids

released in v9.3 New window

Grids and Reports

Option in the advanced search tags to save searches in the selector, so the end user can reuse previously saved searches (available for Grid, Chart and Summary)

released in v9.3 New window

Grids and Reports

Support for XML export and WORD in Nested Grids

released in v9.3 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to set generation of XML elements, such as attribute or value

released in v9.3 New window


Select and auto-complete field typesa with a new option to the drop down for better performance and accuracy in the select results. The new component allows you to perform a search within the select result, limit the characters and number of records displayed

released in v9.3 New window


Digital signature field: allows the user to use his finger, mouse pointer or a digital pen to make signatures or drawings

released in v9.3 New window


Rating star field to qualify with stars (or any other image)

released in v9.3 New window


Slider and Switch toggle fields

released in v9.3 New window

Project templates

Application template for payment layer using Paypal Express option

released in v9.3 New window

Project templates

Application template for sending SMS with the APIs Clickatell, Twilio and Plivo

released in v9.3 New window


New macro SC_SEND_SMS for integration with the SMS APIs Clickatell, Twilio and Plivo

released in v9.3 New window


Integration with SMS APIs Clickatell, Twilio and Plivo and the payment APIs PagSeguro and Paypal Express

released in v9.3 New window

Keyboard shortcuts

New interface for creating and customizing shortcut combination from Scriptcse’s development environment, share or import a shortcut setting from one dev environment to another

released in v9.3 New window

Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcut keys for Scriptcase applications: option for creating shortcut keys also available for applications created by Scriptcase

released in v9.3 New window


Interbase | Firebird (Driver PDO)

released in v9.3 New window


SQL Server (Driver DBLIB)

released in v9.3 New window



released in v9.3 New window


Oracle (Driver PDO)

released in v9.3 New window

Grids and Reports

Dynamic tags that allow you to select or manipulate the conditions and fields with ajax directly within the application with a simple and modern interface

released in v9.2 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to add buttons within the Search form body

released in v9.2 New window

Grids and Reports

New relative period conditions to Summary and Chart Search: “Current quarter until today” and “year to date”

released in v9.2 New window

Grids and Reports

Option to display Nested Grids as XLS export

released in v9.2 New window

Grids and Reports

"Send Email" button to emails automatically from Grids, Summaries and Charts with reports attached in pdf, html, xls, xml, csv, rtf, word or images via SMTP, Amazon SES or Mandrill

released in v9.2 New window


New settings to export Charts to formats: xls, xml, csv, rtf, word and image

released in v9.2 New window


New relative period conditions to Chart's Search: “Current quarter until today” and “year to date”

released in v9.2 New window


"Send Email" button to emails automatically from Grids, Summaries and Charts with reports attached in pdf, html, xls, xml, csv, rtf, word or images via SMTP, Amazon SES or Mandrill

released in v9.2 New window


Option for Chart depth output selection, according to the metrics used

released in v9.2 New window


Dynamic tags that allow you to select or manipulate the conditions and fields with ajax

released in v9.2 New window


Interface for managing APIs directly from Scriptcase

released in v9.2 New window


Automatic integration with email APIs services : Mailchimp, Mandrill and Amazon SES

released in v9.2 New window

Keyboard shortcuts

Keyboard shortcuts for performing basic functions of Scriptcase as: Generate the source code, Save application, Run, Closing/Opening tabs, access SQL Builder and others.

released in v9.2 New window


new macros: sc_call_api and sc_send_mail_api for advanced implementations with APIs Mailchimp, Mandrill and Amazon SES

released in v9.2 New window

Interface & Tools

New viewing with lateral expansion or fullscreen code area and access to new themes

released in v9.2 New window

Interface & Tools

Integration with shortcut keys from editors Emmet and Sublime Text, CSS and Javascript language interpretation support

released in v9.2 New window


Sybase Support

released in v8

Grids and Reports

New interface for the Grid creation with the option of selecting multiple tables and fields directly in the creation interface

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

New aggregate functions to chart metrics: count, distinct count, variance and standard deviation

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

New dimension options for date fields, such as: Semester, Quarter, Trimester, Semester and others

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

Possibility of dragging the same dimension (for different date period fields) or metric (with different SQL aggregate functions) more than once into the group by and summaries

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

New type of Search (User search) so that the end user can dynamically filter dimension and metric fields within the summar

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

LIMIT function that can be used to rank the values within the grid or summary

released in v9.1 New window


New interface for chart themes full customization. Chart themes can now can be configured to project level or individually within the application

released in v9.1 New window


New chart themes already included within Scriptcase: pastel (based on google charts), flat (based on bootstrap charts), modern and dark

released in v9.1 New window


New SQL aggregate functions to chart metrics: Count, Distinct count, variance and standard deviation

released in v9.1 New window


New chart types available: Scatter, bubble, Semicircular and Linear Gauge, 2D Funnel and 2D Pyramid

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

New dimension options for date fields, such as: Semester, Quarter, Trimester, Semester and others

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

Analytic (multiple series) and synthetic (single series) combination of different dimensions on the same chart

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

New type of Search (User search) so that the end user can dynamically filter dimension and metric fields within the chart

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

LIMIT function that can be used to rank the values within the charts

released in v9.1 New window


Possibility to export the charts to PNG, JPG, PDF, SVG and XLS

released in v9.1 New window


FusionCharts Chart library updated and support to FusionMaps

released in v9.1 New window


New interface with drag and drop for setting up widgets dynamically. The widgets can now have different sizes and positions within the desktop

released in v9.1 New window


Responsive Dashboard

released in v9.1 New window


New index widget with field-specific settings and aggregate functions for presentation of KPIs (key performance indicators) within the dashboard

released in v9.1 New window


New widgets configuration and customization options. For example: hide toolbar items from linked application within the widget, layout formatting, filter, values abbreviation, etc

released in v9.1 New window


New option "menu structure" for layout customization with the option to use external libraries, methods and dynamic variables

released in v9.1 New window


Option to expand/collapse the menu to hide the items and expand the desktop within the application generated

released in v9.1 New window

Report PDF

New option of drawing with drag n drop and dynamic configuration of the fields within the same interface.

released in v9.1 New window


Responsive calendar

released in v9.1 New window


New configuration options (creation of categories for calendar events, width and size setting, color palette in the Color HTML fields

released in v9.1 New window


Integration with Google Calendar (export or import events from Scriptcase Calendar to Google Calendar)

released in v9.1 New window


Filter for multiple categories on the shore side of the calendar

released in v9.1 New window


Option to display a mini month calendar in the calendar

released in v9.1 New window


New events in the calendar application: onCalendarApplicationInit and onCalendarScriptInit

released in v9.1 New window

Project templates

Template system for hospitals (Health Care)

released in v9.1 New window

Project templates

Template system for personal finances

released in v9.1 New window

Project templates

Template for E-Learning system (EAD)

released in v9.1 New window

Project templates

Template system for Business Intelligence reports

released in v9.1 New window

Project templates

Template for an appointment system with customized calendar

released in v9.1 New window


Social login option with Google, Facebook and Twitter generate automatically by Scriptcase security module

released in v9.1 New window


New encryption options for login application password field (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512)

released in v9.1 New window


Security module integration with the new option of free-form control with templates responsive to login screen

released in v9.1 New window


Component update for automatic generation of captcha function to the login screen generated by Scriptcase security module

released in v9.1 New window


Option to assign more than one group for users created by Scriptcase security module

released in v9.1 New window


Creation of a new "default group" in the security module group table for system visitors

released in v9.1 New window


New option of integration with LDAP and groups creating on the Scriptcase users administration environment (development environment)

released in v9.1 New window


Added Google reCAPTCHA v2 integration in creating the security module

released in v9.1 New window


Added Google reCAPTCHA v2 integration in form, control, and calendar application security

released in v9.1 New window


Added support for the FusionCharts library in the sc_include_lib macro

released in v9.1 New window

Interface & Tools

New interface to manage the projects with search option

released in v9.1 New window

Interface & Tools

New interface for project creation

released in v9.1 New window

Interface & Tools

New interface for Application creation

released in v9.1 New window

Interface & Tools

New interface for building grid applications (grid, search, chart and PDF Report) with a multiple-table query, multiple fields and validation of dependencies while creating the application with automatic identification of JOINS

released in v9.1 New window

Interface & Tools

New graphical interface to change the relationship between the tables

released in v9.1 New window

Interface & Tools

Option to expand/collapse the top and side menus to hide items and expand the desktop inside Scriptcase interface

released in v9.1 New window

Control Application

New option within the Control application that will allow the integration of Scriptcase forms with customized HTML and CSS or importer from external libraries

released in v9.1 New window

Control Application

Body handling variables from HTML, visual can now be changed completely and adapted to the form with the proper Scriptcase markups

released in v9.1 New window

Control Application

Support to events, libraries, macros, images, and Scriptcase field types

released in v9.1 New window

Control Application

New templates provided by Scriptcase for login screens and contact forms

released in v9.1 New window

Control Application

Possibility of integration between the layouts created by the control application with the security module login screen

released in v9.1 New window


Project Diagram - New tool for generation of the Project Diagram. With advanced viewing and printing options;

released in v9.1 New window


ER Diagram - New feature to improve the database management options

released in v9.1 New window


MySQL (Drivers: MSQLi e SSL for security connections MySQL)

released in v9.1 New window


MariaDB (Driver PDO)

released in v9.1 New window


Progress (Driver PDO ODBC)

released in v9.1 New window

Grids and Reports

Implemented new Dynamic Search and Group By

released in v9 New window

Grids and Reports

Added a new aggregated function for of the "Weighted Average" type

released in v9 New window

Grids and Reports

New Refined Search

released in v9 New window

Grids and Reports

Added mobile toolbar support in Summary and detail of Grids

released in v9 New window

Grids and Reports

Added option for fixed label to horizontal orientation Grids

released in v9 New window

Grids and Reports

Added option for infinite Scroll in Grid applications

released in v9 New window

Grids and Reports

Ajax processing for dynamic search

released in v9 New window


New Chart application to create charts separated from the Grid.

released in v9 New window


Botão do tipo Ajax

released in v9 New window


Added new path (breadcrumb) navigation in menu application.

released in v9 New window

Report PDF

Added support for the TCPDF class in the Report PDF application;

released in v9 New window

Project templates

System template with web services examples

released in v9 New window

Project templates

System template for project management

released in v9 New window

Project templates

System template for recruitment tracker

released in v9 New window

Project templates

System template for an online grading application

released in v9 New window


Added CSRF token support

released in v9 New window


Added option to allow or disallow Javascript codes in Text and Multiple Lines Text fields. Code Protection (Cross-Site-Script)

released in v9 New window


New version of the security module with user login and blocking by Brute Force

released in v9 New window


TLS protocol support

released in v9 New window

Third Party Libraries

Native support to PHPExcel library

released in v9 New window

Third Party Libraries

External libraries manager

released in v9 New window


Support for the sc_url_library () and sc_include_library () macros for third part libraries integration

released in v9 New window


New sc_webservice macro with support for soap, curl, file_get_contents and sockets services

released in v9 New window

Interface & Tools

Implemented a new messaging tool for users of the same Scriptcase installation;

released in v9 New window

Interface & Tools

New tool for managing all Scriptcase images

released in v9 New window

Interface & Tools

New tool for creating Message List among users of the same Scriptcase installation

released in v9 New window


Added TOP function support for MS SQL Server databases

released in v9 New window


Added break option by date or date / time in DATETIME and TIMESTAMP fields

released in v9 New window


Added support for filtering users when creating Oracle connections

released in v9 New window


Added field for sequential display in editing fields in Firebird connection

released in v9 New window


Tool for converting MS Access, CSV and XLS databases to MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL and MS SQL Server

released in v9 New window

Control Application

Authentication options for applications developed with Scriptcase: Facebook, Twitter and Google.

released in v8


Toolbar option is now available for Menus applications

released in v8


Listview menu, commonly used in mobile applications

released in v8


Scriptcase will provides application security using LDAP. Offering full user control through local network administration.

released in v8

Interface & Tools

Friendly URL option in general application settings

released in v8

Interface & Tools

Multithreaded processing in source code generation of applications

released in v8

Interface & Tools

New interface for project language management

released in v8

Project templates

Template system for a document library

released in v8

Project templates

Template system for an online shopping

released in v8

Project templates

Template system for help desk with multiple user's login

released in v8

Project templates

Template system for images manage (Album)

released in v8

Project templates

Template System for news management

released in v8

Project templates

Template system for security module

released in v8

Project templates

Template for security system

released in v8

Grids and Reports

Added support for Ajax in Grid applications

released in v8

Grids and Reports

Added end-user configurable chart option in summary graph settings

released in v8

Grids and Reports

Charts available in HTML 5, compatible with mobile platforms. New types of Charts have been adde

released in v8


New upload component of multiple files and images, all that with “drag and drop” features and progress bar available.

released in v8


Version 9.12 FEB 2025 Version 9.11 OCT 2024 Version 9.10.010 MAR 2024 Version 9.10 DEC 2023 Version 9.9.008 MAR 2023 Version 9.9 NOV 2022 Version 9.8 AUG 2022 Version 9.7 OCT 2021 Version 9.6 DEC 2020 Version 9.5 SEP 2020 Version 9.4 JUL 2019 Version 9.3 JAN 2019 Version 9.2 JUL 2018 Version 9.1 MAY 2018 Version 9 APR 2017 Version 8 Version 7
PHP Version for development PHP 8.1, 7.3 and 7.0 PHP 7.3 & PHP 7.0 PHP 7.3 & PHP 7.0 PHP 7.3 & PHP 7.0 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.0 PHP 7.0 PHP 5.4 & 5.6 PHP 5.2 & 5.3 PHP 5.2 & 5.3
PHP Version for production Development with PHP 8.1 - Production with PHP 8.1;
Development with PHP 7.0 or 7.3 - Production with PHP 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0 and 5.6
PHP 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0 & 5.6 PHP 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0 & 5.6 PHP 7.3, 7.2, 7.1, 7.0 & 5.6 PHP 7.0 & 5.6 PHP 7.0 & 5.6 PHP 7.0 & 5.6 PHP 7.0 & 5.6 PHP 5.4 & 5.6 PHP 5.2 & 5.3 PHP 5.2 & 5.3
Apache Version PHP 7.3 and 7.0: Apache 2.4.3;
PHP 8.1: Apache 2.4.53
Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.4.3 Apache 2.2.15 Apache 2.2.15
PHP Encoder PHP 7.3: ionCube v10.3.8;
PHP 7.0: SourceGuardian 11.0.6;
PHP 8.1: SourceGuardian 13.0.3
ionCube v10.3.8 (PHP 7.3) & SourceGuardian 11.0.6 (PHP 7.0) ionCube v10.3.8 (PHP 7.3) & SourceGuardian 11.0.6 (PHP 7.0) ionCube v10.3.8 (PHP 7.3) & SourceGuardian 11.0.6 (PHP 7.0) SourceGuardian 11.0.6 SourceGuardian 11.0.6 SourceGuardian 11.0.6 SourceGuardian 11.0.6 Zend Guard Loader 3.3 Zend Guard Loader 3.3 Zend Guard Loader 3.3
