
Express Edit

In this article, you learn how to edit various application at the same time. Using the Express Edit tool, you can define values for various common attributes for these applications. It is useful specially to add updates to your applications.

Only some settings are available within the Express Edit tool.

Select Application

Firstly, You need to inform which applications You want to edit.

Define the affected applications


You edit all the applications in the project, with no exceptions.

Select Applications

All the applications existing in the project are listed so that you can select the applications that you want to edit.

Select the application to edit with the express option


This page show all attributes enabled in the Express Edit, separated by categories.
These settings can be to apply to all applications simultaneously just select Apply to all applications or apply individually when selecting Apply individually.

If you use the Apply individually option, will be necessary to define to how many applications will be showed in the page. Use 0 all application will be showed.

Defining the modifications for the applications

Apply to all applications

This option allows applying the same configurations, to all the selected applications, automatically. Apply the modifications to all the applications automatically

Apply individually

This option allows you to apply the modifications individually for each application selected. This option contains not only the previous attributes, but also three exclusive attributes.

Apply the modifications individually

Categories - Layout/Theme

Header Image

Define the image for the header of the applications.


It allows using the alerts messages with SweetAlert components.

SweetAlert position using Toast

This option define the position that Sweet Alert message using Toast will be shown.


It applies the desired Theme (Only the ones included in the Project properties) to all the applications.


Allows you to define a Button Theme for selected applications


Change the Header and Footer template of the applications.

Table Width

Defines the width of the table according to the unit of measure selected in the Table Unit option

Value is applied when selecting pixel or percentage

Table Unit

Sets the unit of measure for the Table Width option:

  • Pixel - Fixed width of the application with its minimum value limited by the options available in the application.
  • Percentage - adaptable width according to defined screen percentage. It has the limitation of application items.
  • Automatic - Automatically fits the screen.
Fixed columns

Allows the choice of grid columns that will be fixed in the left corner of the screen if there is horizontal scrolling.

Fixed column hover

Display pinned column icon only on field label cell hover. Hover works only when the application is running as desktop, if it is running mobile the icon will always be displayed.

Fixed options’ column

Pin the options column icons displayed in the row of the record regardless of having fixed columns selected.

Fixed group by

Allows the information of a grid’s group by line to be fixed on the screen when scrolling horizontally.

Header Title

Define a title to the application.

This option will be enabled if you use the Apply individually option.

Toolbar buttons

Defines how the toolbar buttons will open. If it will open in modal or in a DIV below the toolbar.

Categories - SQL

Distinguish uppercase/loYourcase

It allows the Scriptcase to distinguish the letters uppercase and loYourcase.

Debug Mode

Define if the application is run will be with the debug mode enable. This option allows showing all SQL statements the application is executing.


It applies the desired connection (Connections created in the “New Connection” module) for the applications.

Connection for fields

It applies the desired connection (Connections created in the “New Connection” module) for the fields in the applications.

Categories - Mobile

Enable mobile optimization

Enables mobile optimization for adapting to mobile devices.

Enable scroll up button

It enables the displaying of the button back to top button in the Grid, Filter, Detail and Summary modules.

Scroll up button position

Defines the position of the back to the top button:

The options are:

  • Right - Position the button in the bottom right corner;
  • Left - Position the button in the bottom left corner;
Simplified toolbar

Defines the display format of the application’s bottom toolbar, alternating between simplified when the option is enabled and traditional when these options are disabled.

To define the buttons that should compose your application’s toolbar on mobile, access the Toolbar menu, then the Mobile tab.

Pin bottom toolbar

Defines the behavior of the lower toolbar when running the application on mobile devices with the Simplified toolbar option disabled.

When enabling these options, the lower toolbar will behave similarly to the upper toolbar, remaining fixed on the screen and thus facilitating access to the configured resources.

Categories - Security

Use Security

Define the use of security on the applications of the project.

Enable CSRF

It enables “Cross-Site Request Forgery” protection. (This option only applies for the Control and Form applications)


Defines the use or not of the resource.

This option tells the browser that cookies should only be accessed via the HTTP protocol, preventing its access to scripting languages ​​such as Javascript.

Session ID

Determines that the session ID must be stored in cookies on the client side and cannot be passed through URLs.

Determines that cookies should only be transmitted over secure connections.

Disable XSS Auditor

Determines whether or not to use the XSS Auditor option


Determines that the application’s pages can only be accessed through the HTTPS protocol.


Determines the rule for including the application in iframes.

  • SAMEORIGIN - allows only pages on the same site to include your application in iframes.
  • DENY does - not allow your applications to be opened in iframes.

Determines that the MIME types of the requested files must be respected by the browser.


Determines how much reference information should be included in requests.


Determines which resources can be loaded by the browser. Add the rule on the same line being separated by semicolon(;) Example: Feature-Policy: unsized-media ‘none’; geolocation ‘self’; camera *;


Determines the behavior of certain browser APIs and functionality. Add the rule on the same line separated by semicolons(;) Example: Content-Security-Policy: default-src https: ‘unsafe-eval’ ‘unsafe-inline’; object-src ‘none’


Determines the behavior of certain browser characteristics. Add the rule on the same line separated by a comma(,) Example: fullscreen=(), geolocation=()

Enable direct call by URL

Allow the applications to be called directly by the URL.

Export with Password

It allows defining a password in the Applications exportation.

Categories - Fields

Run content in JavaScript

Defines if the JavaScript code stored in the database runs on the browser.

Remove the HTML tags

Defines if the HTML code stored in the database will have the HTML tags removed for display.

Save HTML tags

Stores the HTML tags informed within the Application field to the database. (This option only applies for the Form application)

Fixed Label

It allows you to transform the Fields labels in static labels when you scroll down the page.

Use Select2

It allows you to apply the Select2 as default in the applications.

Display date format

Display the Field Format

Date display position

Position for the date format, on the right or bottom of the field.

Display message

Custom message for required fields.

Icon type

Choose whether the sort icons next to the field label will be the images defined in the application’s theme or Font Awesome icons. This setting together with the selected icons for alphanumeric and numeric fields are used both in the grid and in the summary.

Alphanumeric fields

Choose the Font Awesome icon set to use for sorting alphanumeric fields.

Numeric fields

Choose the Font Awesome icon set to use when sorting numeric fields.

Text input in JavaScript

Stores the JavaScript informed within the Application field to the database. (This option only applies for the Form application)

Show HTML content

Defines if the HTML code stored in the database is interpreted or not by the browser. (This option only applies for the Grid application)

Categories - General

Documents Path

Absolute path where the application documents are stored.

Notify discarded changes

Notifies the user of changes that will be discarded when reloading the data.

Grid export modules

It allows you to select the Grid Modules in the exportation.


You can define a description to the applications.

This option will be enabled if you use the Apply individually option.

Friendly URL

Define a friendly URL to application.

This option will be enabled if you use the Apply individually option.

Select columns of Export

It allows selecting the desired application columns in the exportation.

Display field error in a modal

Display the field error inside a message box opening in modal.

Field error position
Position where the field error will be displayed.
Timeout Error

Screen error message display time.

Highlight Results

Defines whether search results will be highlighted.

Image Directory

Base directory for the application images.


It applies the selected language for all the selected applications in the project.

Hotkey Templates

it allows configuring the hotkey template for all applications.

Image Viewer

Defines whether the image viewer will be available.

Edit Properties

After selecting the modifications individually for all the select applications, It displays a list with all the selected attributes listed for modification.

Apply the modifications individually

After selecting the modifications that you want set, you see a list with all the selected attributes.

Apply the modifications to all the applications automatically

Modified Applications

When you apply the modifications, It displays a list of the applications that Youre modified.

Application Generation Log