
Button List

On this screen, all the action buttons of the application will be listed.

Lista de botões da barra de ação

Button ordering and placement

Both the ordering and the positioning of the action bar buttons will be carried out on this screen using dropdown. Just keep the left mouse button pressed over the desired button and position it in the desired location.

Buttons can only be positioned at the ends of the grid, either on the left side or on the right side.

Button positioning using dropdown

You can also sort the detail button grid detail button and the application edit button edit link button on grid.

Column of Actions

Action bar buttons management options In this column we have some access links for the individual configuration of the buttons.

Configuration options by button type

Configuration link Link button Ajax button Description
properties Available unavailable Access the screen link properties from the link button.
Link Available unavailable Screen of link configuration, allowing to redo the connection or to add some new parameter in the existing connection.
Ajax unavailable Available Access the button ajax event created.
Visual Available Available Access the screen button visual. In this screen we will have the individual configurations of the appearance of the buttons.
Delete Available Available Deletes the button and all its settings. When deleting an Ajax button the event will also be deleted

Create New Button

Accesses the button creation screen, which can be of all types: Link and Ajax

Edit Bar Visual

This button opens the general editing screen for the visual of the action buttons. Click here for more details on editing the visual