
Edit Column Label

This option allows to configure a label for the application’s action bar column.

Example of a grid with the label action bar

Exemplo da consulta com label na barra de ações

Edit column labels

This feature allows you to set a label for the action bar column. This definition must be done differently for the left and right bar.

Tela de configuração da label da barra de ação


Atributo label

This attribute defines the label displayed in the action bar column.

The text definition has no character restriction and can be done with a fixed text or using a lang, to create systems with multiple languages.

See more details about langs and about our Data dictionary.

Font color

Atributo Cor da Fonte

Sets the text color of the action bar column.

If no color is defined, the text color will be defined by the theme.

Example text color

Exemplo cor do texto

Background Color

Atributo Cor do Fundo

Sets the background color of the action bar column.

If no color is defined, the background color will be defined by the theme.

background color example

Exemplo cor do texto

Horizontal Alignment

Atributo Alinhamento Horizontal

Defines the text placement of the action bar label.

  • Left - Aligns the text to the left of the column.
  • Center - Aligns the text to the center of the column.
  • Right - Aligns the text to the right of the column.

If no color is defined, the text color will be defined by the theme.

Example right alignment of text

Exemplo alinhamento do texto a direita

Example of aligning text to center (default)

Exemplo de alinhamento do texto no centro

bold text

Atributo usar texto em negrito

Defines if the label text will be displayed in bold or not.

Example of bold text

Exemplo de texto com negrito

Example of non-bold text

Exemplo de texto sem negrito