Link Propeties
On the screen below, you can see the attributes relevant to the link behavior of that need to be informed.
Link properties Interface.
- Link Operation Mode :
- Open in the same Window : Displays the Form in the same browser window.
- Open in another Window : Displays the Form in another window of the browser.
- Open in Iframe : The Form will be displayed in the same window, allowing to position below, above, to the left or right of the Grid.
- Open in Parent : If the Grid is in a iframe, it displays the Form in the page’s parent view port.
- Modal : Opens the Form in modal, allowing to configure the modal size.
- Display button (new row) on the grid toolbar : This option, when enabled, adds a button to the toolbar that allows to add a New Record to the Form.
- Label for the button New : You can apply a Label for the button, if not informed the label will be “New”.
- Hint for the button New : You can apply a Hint for the button, if not informed the hint will be “New”.
- Hotkey for the button “New” : Indicates which key will be the shortcut for the New Record.
Exit URL for the target application : The URL that is going to call after exiting the Form. In case no value is informed, the “back” button will redirect to the Grid.
- Form Property
Allows to select the buttons that are going to be displayed in the Form through the link.
Form properties configurations Interface.
- Enable insert button on target application : Enables the Insert Button in the Form.
- Enable update button on target application : Enables the Update Button in the Form.
- Enable delete button on target application : Enables the Delete Button in the Form.
- Enable navigation button on target application : Enables the navigation buttons (first, previous, next and last) in the Form.
- Enable button to edit a grid record : Enables the edit button for each record.
- Iframe properties
These options are displayed when the property Link Operation Mode is set to “Open in Iframe”.
Iframe properties configurations Interface.
- Display the header of the called application : Displays the Form’s header.
- Iframe position relative to the main application : It can be: below, above, right or left.
- Action After Insert view the list below :
- Reload Grid : Does a refresh on the current page.
- Move to the end of the grid : Navigate to the Grid’s last page.
- Iframe height : Iframe Height in pixels.
- Iframe width : Iframe Width in pixels.