
CSS Menu

The CSS Menu section is used to create and/or edit layout styles to be applied in Menu Applications.

CSS Menus

To create a new theme for the menu it’s necessary to first select a theme to be used as base of the new theme.

After clicking on “New”, to create a new theme for the Menu, you’ll have many options to change the colors that are part of the Menu you chosen. Also, you can change the font size of the items.

CSS Menu Creation

Before saving the theme that you created, you need to select the access level as Public, Project or User levels.

  • Public the theme is available for everyone that uses your Scriptcase installation.
  • Project the theme is available for the project that it was created in.
  • User the theme is available only for the user that created the theme.

After selecting the access level, inform the name of the theme and click on “Save”.