
Scriptcase Overview

What is Scriptcase?

Scriptcase is a complete development tool, with a friendly web interface. A low-code environment that creates PHP applications high-speed and with quality was built to save time, reduce costs, gain productivity, and to integrate the development teams. Using Scriptcase, you can create many types of applications like Grids, Charts, Forms, Calendars, and many other applications. It also offers an IDE integrated for you to customize applications or even to create using only codes.

You can divide Scriptcase environment into 3 parts: RAD (Rapid Application Development), Scriptcase environment tools and Code editors.

  • RAD (Rapid Application Development): Within Scriptcase, you can find some ready-to-use applications as well as complete system templates. You can see a sample of all applications accessing our website here.

  • Scriptcase environment tools: You have available plenty of tools to assist your development within Scriptcase, such as Database Manager, SQL Builder, Data dictionary, CSV, XLS and Access converters, Documentation Creator, Themes Manager, Images Manager, Libraries Manager, Tasks Manager, and Key Shortcuts.

  • Code editors: Besides the ready-to-use applications, templates, and tools, you can also customize or create your application using the editors, they work like an IDE integrate into Scriptcase. Within the editors, you can add your system rules integrating with web services, third-party libraries and components, APIs, and Scriptcase internal functions (macros). The editors are compatible with PHP, JavaScript, CSS, and HTML, and you can also use Emmet Shortcuts.

How does Scriptcase work?

Scriptcase works generating web applications in PHP and always relating the content with the most used databases on the market. Installing on a web server, Scriptcase can be accessed simultaneously by many developers through the browser, allowing remote and collaborative development. The source code is in PHP, and it works independently of the tool. Once you finish your project on Scriptcase, you can deploy it anywhere with a WEB server that allows you work with PHP. You do not need a license to run the generated applications. Scriptcase provides a “Production environment” where you can manage the libraries, connections, and deployed applications. Learn more about the deployment here.

Which source code is generated?

Scriptcase generates (PHP, JavaScript, and HTML) source code. The generated code is independent of the tool, and you can deploy it on a web server with PHP enabled. The PHP language is free (GNU), and you can use on any operating system (Windows, Linux, or Mac). PHP processes work on the Server.

What are the supported databases?

Scriptcase connects to the leading relational databases: Oracle, MS-SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, Informix, PostgreSQL, Access, InterBase, FireBird, Progress, and others ODBC or OLEDB patterns.

What are the requirements to run ScriptCase?

A webserver (Apache, IIS, Sambar, Abyss, PWS, Xitami) that is enabled to run PHP 8.1 Scripts and IonCube Loader.