
Connection to MSSQL Server DBLIB

In Scriptcase installed on Linux, we have the following driver available for connection to MSSQL Server: DBLIB. If you are using your own preconfigured environment, the MSSQL Server extensions must be manually enabled in the PHP.

IMPORTANT: if you need to use Database Identifiers in your tables, we recommend using the double quotation marks( ) instead of the brackets( [ ] ) because of the conflict with the of Global Variables syntax Scriptcase. Using the brackets as database identifiers may lead to problems in the Scriptcase applications.

Enabling DBLIB on Linux

IMPORTANT: If you are using Scriptcase automatic installer, the extensions are already enabled in PHP, ready for connection. The procedure below is only for manual installations of Scriptcase.

1 - If you do not have the extension enabled you can install the extension with this command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install php8.1-pdo-dblib

  • If you are unable to execute the above command because you cannot find packages, install the repository below and update.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php
sudo apt-get update

Install the basic packages using the terminal for this procedure:

Ubuntu\Debian RHEL\CentOS
sudo apt-get install unixodbc unixodbc-dev gcc nano wget make sudo yum install unixODBC unixODBC-devel gcc nano wget make
  • Download and Unzip the freeTDS:


tar -zxf freetds-0.95.95.tar.gz

  • Access the freeTDS directory and run the following command to compile and install FreeTDS:

sudo ./configure --with-tdsver=7.4 --with-unixodbc=/usr --disable-libiconv --disable-static --disable-threadsafe --enable-msdblib --disable-sspi --with-gnu-ld --enable-sybase-compat && make && make install

  • Edit the FreeTDS configuration file:
Ubuntu\Debian RHEL\CentOS
sudo nano/usr/local/etc/freetds.conf sudo vim /usr/local/freetds/freetds.conf
  • Add your MSSQL Server connection informations, like this example:

[MSSQLServer] host =
port = 1433
tds version = 7.2

2 - Restart the Apache service via the terminal.

sudo service apache2 restart

Creating a Connection in Scriptcase

See below how to create a connection in your Scriptcase project, using the Enabled Driver DBLIB and the MSSQL Server database.

1 - Access a project from your Scriptcase.

2 - Click the New Connection icon to create a connection

Creating a new connection

or access the Database > New connection menu.

Creating a new connection

After that, a screen will appear with all database connections.

3 - Select the MSSQL Server connection.

Selecting the database connection


Enter the parameters for connecting to your MSSQL Server database as follows:

Connecting to the database

  • Connection name: Define the name of your new connection. By default, Scriptcase adds the prefix conn along with the database name.

  • DBMS Driver: Select the MSSQL Server Driver to connect. In this example, we use the Driver DBLIB.

  • Server/Host (Name or IP): Enter the name of the data source you have configured on your freetds.conf file.
  • EX: MSSQLServer

  • Port: Enter the port to connect to the MSSQL Server. By default, the port defined is 1433.

  • Database Name: List and select the database you will connect to.
  • EX: samples

  • Username: Inform the user to authenticate the connection to your database.

  • Password: Enter the password to complete the authentication process.

  • Test connection: Click this button to get a response to the Scriptcase request to find out if the parameters entered are correct.

Testing the database connection


Security tab, where the connection encryption settings are defined.

Database connection security


This property specifies whether communication with the SQL server should be encrypted. To enable encryption, you must set this property to “true”. This ensures that data sent between the client and server is protected by encryption.


Set to “true” to specify that the driver does not validate the server’s TLS/SSL certificate.

If “true”, the server’s TLS/SSL certificate is automatically trusted when the communication layer is encrypted using TLS.


The path (including the file name) to the certificate’s trustStore file. The trustStore file contains the list of certificates that the client trusts.

When this property is not specified or is set to null, the driver relies on the trust manager factory query rules to determine which certificate store to use.


The password used to verify the integrity of trustStore data.

If the trustStore property is set but the trustStorePassword property is not set, the integrity of the trustStore is not checked.


The hostname to use to validate the SQL Server TLS/SSL certificate.

This property allows you to specify the expected hostname in the SQL server certificate. This is useful to ensure that the connection is only made to the correct server and not to a malicious server that may be using an invalid certificate.

Note: This property is used in combination with the encrypt/authentication properties and the trustServerCertificate property. This property affects certificate validation if the connection uses TLS encryption and trustServerCertificate is set to “false”. Ensure that the value passed to hostNameInCertificate matches the Common Name (CN) or DNS name in the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) in the server certificate for a TLS connection to be successful. For more information about encryption support, see Understanding encryption support.


Accessing this tab, you can configure which Database items will be displayed on the connection, depending on the owner or not.

Filtering the database connection


It allows the connection to see tables, views, system tables and procedures depending on the items selected by the user. By default, the items Tables and Views are already selected by Scriptcase.

  • Tables: Selecting this option, the tables in your database will be displayed.
    • By default, Scriptcase enables this option .
  • Views: By selecting this option, the views of your database will be displayed.
    • By default, Scriptcase enables this option .
  • System Tables: Selecting this option, the system tables of your database will be displayed.

  • Procedures: By selecting this option, the procedures of your database will be displayed.


Allows you to define which tables and owners are displayed.

  • Tables: You can define in this option which tables will be displayed. The configuration can contain a PREFIX%% or name of the tables to display.
    • By default, Scriptcase leaves this option empty .
    • EX:

    Example of using the prefix

  • Owner: Inform the user who sees the tables informed for display.
    • User must be capitalized as in the example above .
  • View: Choose whether tables for the informed owner are displayed.

NOTE: By using table filtering, you eliminate unnecessary tables for your project and improves the performance of your database connection.


In this tab, you have access to specific settings for the connection. The settings made in this session impact the data display and application performance.

Advanced database connection configuration

  • Decimal Separator: Select the type of separator for decimal records, between comma and period.
    • By default, the . dot is selected as a separator .
  • Persistent Connection: Define whether connections will be terminated after the execution of your scripts in Scriptcase applications.
    • By default, Scriptcase disables this option .
  • Use the schema before the table name: Define whether the database schema will be displayed before the table names.
    • By default, Scriptcase enables this option .


Here are the SSH options available in the image and their descriptions regarding database connection:

SSH image


Enables or disables the SSH tunnel for database connection. When enabled, the database connection will be routed through the SSH server.

SSH Server

The IP address or hostname of the SSH server that will be used for tunneling. This is the machine that will act as a bridge to access the database securely.

SSH Port

The port used to connect to the SSH server.

SSH User

The username used to authenticate with the SSH server. This user must have permissions to establish an SSH connection.

Private cert. file

The private key file used for authentication if the SSH server requires key-based authentication instead of a password.

Local port for port forwarding

The local port on the client machine that will be used for forwarding database traffic through the SSH tunnel. This port acts as a bridge between the database client and the remote database.

Database server from SSH

The hostname or IP address of the database server as seen from the SSH server. This is necessary when the database is only accessible within the SSH server’s network.

Database port from SSH

The port of the database server that will be accessed through the SSH tunnel. This should match the database service’s listening port.