
Connection to Azure PostgreSQL

If you do not have the PostgreSQL PDO, PostgreSQL 7 or above, PostgreSQL 6.4 or above and PostgreSQL 6.3 or below drivers enabled, check below our documentation on how to enable both in Scriptcase for connection.

ATTENTION: If you do not have an Azure PostegreSQL base created, check how to create it by clicking here.

Creating a connection to Scriptcase

See below how to create a connection in your Scriptcase project, using the enabled Driver (PostgreSQL PDO, PostgreSQL 7 or above, PostgreSQL 6.4 or above and PostgreSQL 6.3 or below.) and the Azure PostgreSQL database.

1 - Access a project from your Scriptcase.

2 - Click the New Connection icon to create a connection.

Creating a new connection

or access the Database > New connection menu.

Creating a new connection

After that, a screen will appear with all database connections.

3 - Select the Microsoft Azure connection.

Selecting the database connection

4 - And choose the Azure Postgres database.

Selecting the database


Enter the parameters for connecting to your Azure PostgreSQL database as follows:

Connecting to the database

  • Connection name: Define the name of your new connection. By default, Scriptcase adds the prefix conn along with the database name.

  • SGDB Driver: Select the PostgreSQL Driver for connection. In this example, we use the PostgreSQL PDO Driver.

  • SGDB server: Enter the domain of the Azure server where the database is installed.
  • EX:

  • Port: Enter the port for connection. By default, the defined port is 5432.

  • Schema: Enter the schema for connecting to the database.

  • Database: List and select the database you will connect to.
  • EX: samples

  • User: Inform the user to authenticate the connection to your database.

  • Password: Enter the password to complete the authentication process.

  • Test connection: Click this button to get a response to the Scriptcase request to find out if the parameters entered are correct.

Testing the database connection


Segurança da conexão do banco de dados


Allows you to define whether the connection will use SSL. Note that the option is disabled by default.


sslmode protection MITM protection Statement
disable No No I don’t care about security, and I don’t want to pay the overhead of encryption.
allow Maybe No I don’t care about security, but I will pay the overhead of encryption if the server insists on it.
prefer Maybe No I don’t care about encryption, but I wish to pay the overhead of encryption if the server supports it.
require Yes No I want my data to be encrypted, and I accept the overhead.
verify-ca Yes Depends on CA policy I want my data encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I want to be sure that I connect to a server that I trust.
verify-full Yes Yes I want my data encrypted, and I accept the overhead. I want to be sure that I connect to a server I trust, and that it’s the one I specify.

sslrootcert (SSL Root Certificate):

This parameter refers to the SSL/TLS root certificate used to verify the authenticity of the certificate presented by the server during secure communication. Usage: The value of this parameter must be the full path to the file containing the root certificate.

sslkey (SSL Private Key):

This parameter represents the private key associated with the SSL/TLS certificate used by the server for authentication. Usage: The full path to the file containing the private key must be specified.

sslcert (SSL Certificate):

The sslcert parameter refers to the server’s SSL/TLS certificate, which is presented during the security negotiation process for authentication. Usage: The full path to the file containing the server’s SSL/TLS certificate must be provided.


Accessing this tab, you can configure which Database items will be displayed on the connection, depending on the owner or not.

Filtering the database connection


It allows the connection to see tables, views, system tables and procedures depending on the items selected by the user. By default, the items Tables and Views are already selected by Scriptcase.

  • Tables: By selecting this option, the tables in your database will be displayed.
    • By default, Scriptcase enables this option.

  • Views: By selecting this option, the views of your database will be displayed.
    • By default, Scriptcase enables this option.

  • System Tables: Selecting this option, the system tables of your database will be displayed.

  • Procedures: Selecting this option, the procedures of your database will be displayed.


Allows you to define which tables and owners are displayed.

  • Tables: You can define in this option which tables will be displayed. The configuration can contain a PREFIX%% or name of the tables to display.
    • By default, Scriptcase leaves this option empty.
    • EX:

    Example of using the prefix

  • Owner: Inform the user who sees the tables entered for display.
    • The user must be in capital letters as in the example above.

  • Display: Choose whether tables for the informed owner are displayed.

NOTE: By using table filtering, you eliminate unnecessary tables for your project and improve the performance of your database connection.


In this tab, you have access to specific settings for the connection. The settings made in this session impact the data display and application performance.

Advanced database connection configuration

  • client_encoding: Select the encoding used in your database. In the example above, we use the client_encoding utf8.
    • By default, the utf8 charset is set.

  • Decimal Separator: Select the type of separator for decimal records, between comma and period.
    • By default, the point . is selected as a separator.

  • Persistent Connection: Define whether connections will be terminated after the execution of your scripts in Scriptcase applications.
    • By default, Scriptcase disables this option.

  • Use the schema before the table name: Define whether the database schema will be displayed before the table names.
    • By default, Scriptcase enables this option.