
Grid Toolbar

The application toolbar has two segments: Top and Bottom, in a way that is possible to define to display buttons into both areas. Those areas work independently, allowing them to display the same button, for example.

It’s also possible to select the buttons and their position if the application is running on a mobile device.



Here we must inform the toolbar settings for the “Classic Web Version” mode and which buttons are available in the application when accessed from a Desktop environment.


Here we must inform the toolbar settings for the “Mobile Version” mode. That is which buttons are available in the application when accessed from a Mobile dispositive.

Grid buttons positioning

Buttons relative to the navigation of the application.

Next Move to the next page that can be a single record or a list of records.
Previous Returns to displays the previous page records or a single record.
First Move to the First page or record
Last Move to the Last page or record
Exit Close the application
Navigation by page Displays a “page-number” navigation bar. Example: 1 2 3 4 5
Reload Displays a button to reload the query data


Groups the options relative to the generated exports. Scriptcase generates the following export formats:

PDF Generates a complete Report with all the data of the application in a PDF format.
WORD Generates a complete Report with all the data of the application in a WORD format.
XLS Generates a complete Report with all the data of the application in an EXCEL format.
XML Generates a complete Report with all the data of the application in an XML format.
CSV Generates a complete Report with all the data of the application in a CSV format.
RTF Generates a complete Report with all the data of the application in an RTF format.
Print Creates an HTML with the records ready for printing.

Export by Email:

Groups the options relative to the emails exports. Scriptcase generates the following export formats:

PDF (Email) Sends by Email a complete report with all the data of the application in a PDF format.
WORD (Email) Sends by Email a complete report with all the data of the application in a WORD format.
XLS (Email) Sends by Email a complete report with all the data of the application in an EXCEL format.
XML (Email) Sends by Email a complete report with all the data of the application in an XML format.
CSV (Email) Sends by Email a complete report with all the data of the application in a CSV format.
RTF (Email) Sends by Email a complete report with all the data of the application in an RTF format.


Other options available in the Grid application.

Jump to Move to the informed page.
Rows Limit It is a Combobox that defines the number of rows per page.
Search Goes to the Search Form to filter the records.
Dynamic Search It displays the fields of the search to filter the records.
Columns Allows to include or remove columns of the Grid on the fly.
Sorting Options Allows selecting the order of the records based on the field.
Group By Allows to select or change a Group By rule on the Grid.
Save Grid Allows saving the current state of the application. For example, in the advanced search, you can save the search data for further use.
Quick Search Allows to perform a quick search in the records of the application.
Gantt It displays a Gantt chart, if it was previously set.
Summary It displays a summary with the synthetical data of the records.
Form Buttons It displays the Form Buttons when there’s an Application Link from the Grid to a Form.
Languages It displays a Combobox with the names available, defined in the project properties.
Themes It displays a Combobox with the themes available, defined in the project properties.
Rows Counter It displays the number of records retrieved by the application.
HelpCase Displays a button to open the help page.


———————— Displays a line separating the buttons, when used the Group Buttons.

Toolbar Mobile

Buttons Positioning on Mobile

Top Mobile toolbar

It has the same options as the Desktop version, adding only the item “Copy from desktop”, which, when clicked, makes a copy of the items from the upper toolbar of Desktop to Mobile.

Mobile toolbar - bottom


Enables navigation to the next and previous page on mobile devices.



Enables first and last page navigation on mobile devices.


Row Counter

Enables the record counter showing the application’s total records

Row Counter

Page selection

Enables page navigation on mobile.

Page selection

Buttons Group

The Group option allows you to group a set of buttons of the application toolbar to display them as a dropdown, for example.

Add Button Groups


Add a new group of buttons.


Edit an existent group of buttons.


Delete the selected group of buttons.

When you press the Add or Edit option, you can see the settings to configure the grouper:

Button Group Configuration

Display As

Allows displaying the group button as Dropdown or Side by Side.

Default buttons with no grouping Group of Buttons Dropdown Group of Buttons Side By Side

Allows defining the Dropdown theme selecting between Application theme and Button theme.


Allows defining a name for the button group.


It is the displayed name for the button group in the application.


Displays a hint to the end-user when the mouse is on the group of buttons.

Button Type

Allows displaying the button group as a Button, Image, or Link.


Allows selecting an image for the button.


Defines if the button displays only Text, only image, or both.

Display Position

Defines the position of the Text or Image (Text to the right, Image to the right).

After creating a button group, you need to move the grouped buttons below of the Button Group and then move them to the right. Like the image below:

Positioning the buttons of the button group

Button Settings

Buttons Settings da consulta


It displays the buttons available in the application.


Allows defining the label of the buttons to display for the users.


Allows defining the buttons hint to display for the users.

Application Hotkeys

Scriptcase allows creating shortcut keys to your applications. You can select a predefined template or create specific actions for an application.

Application Hotkeys

Use hotkeys

Defines if the application uses hotkeys. When you enable this option, the default shortcut keys settings are disabled.

Hotkeys templat

Select the hotkey template previously created.


Selects the triggered action when pressing the selected key.


Selects the keys responsible for executing the chosen action.

Add “+”

Adds a new action on the keys list.


It clears the selected hotkeys preference.


Options da consulta

Fix top toolbar:

Affixates the top toolbar to the top of the window

Fix bottom toolbar:

Affixates the bottom toolbar to the bottom of the window

Display Summary:

Allows to display the summary button or not.

Row Counter:

Allows to display the Row Counter or not.

Example: (1 to 10 of 200)

Defines the number of links per page, when the navigation option is disabled.

Jump To:

Move to the informed record page.

Records by page:

Allows defining the number of records to be exhibited for each page. To show all records use the option “all”.

Example: 10,20,30, all

Toolbar Buttons:

The type of view for the Toolbar buttons (A DIV below the toolbar, Modal).