Chart Theme
In this area you can customize the chart themes, you will be able to preview how it will look like according to each chart type.
If you customize the theme using this area, it will available only for the current application only. If you need to customize the theme and apply to other application, project and users, then you will need to use the “Chart themes” option within the main menu “Layout > Chart themes”. There you will find the same interface with the option to save the changes as “user level, project level or Scriptcase level”
Themes preview
Activate this function to add a border around the chart area.
- Border use : Not informed, use or do not use.
- Not informed: This option will use the default option of the theme.
- Use : Select the border as active, you will need to set the width.
- Do not use : to remove or do not use the border.
- Color : Select the border color, and may report a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Width : Sets the border width in pixels.
- Opacity: Sets the border transparency.
Options to configure the background color of the chart.
- Color : Select the background color, and may report a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- New color : Adds a new color for the background.
- Opacity : Select background transparency.
Options to configure the chart canvas.
- Background color : Selects the color of the canvas, and may report a value hexadecimal or choose picker.
- New color : Adds a new color option.
- Background alpha : Selects the background transparency.
- Border use : Not informed, use or do not use.
- Not informed: This option will use the default option of the theme.
- Use : Selects the border as active, you will need to set the width.
- Do not use : To remove or to do not use the border.
- Color : Selects the canvas color, and may report a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Width : Sets the border width in pixels.
- Opacity: Sets the canvas transparency.
Options to configure the formatting of the title.
- Title font : Selects the font, size, color, and formatting of the title.
- Subtitle font : Selects the font, size, color and format of the subtitle to left, center or right.
- Alignment : Selects the position of the title and subtitle.
- Show on top : If this option is selected the title and the subtitle will be positioned above the chart, otherwise will be positioned below.
This option configures the formatting of the texts of the x and y axis
- Font : Selects the font, size, color, and formatting of the axis.
- Background color : Selects the background color, and may report a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Background alpha : Selects the transparency of the background color of the axis.
- Border Color : Selects the color, and may report a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Border width : Sets the width in pixels.
- Border alpha: Sets the transparency.
- Border dashed: If this option is selected, the border is dashed, this option is only valid if the option “Display” is checked.
Options to set the chart’s data (bank records).
- Use gradient : Enables the data gradient.
- Gradient color : Selects the gradient color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Gradient angle : Selects the angle of the gradient.
- Gradient alpha : Selects the gradient transparency.
- Show border : If this option is selected is activated the border in the data.
- Border dashed : If this option is selected, the border is dashed, this option is only valid if the option “Display” is checked.
- Use rounded border : This option leaves the rounded border.
Options to choose the colors of each chart palette.
- Colors palette : Select the color of each chart palette.
Data title
Options to configure title formatting of data.
Data title
- Display mode : Selects the display mode to “automatic”, “rotated”, “line break”, “in levels” and “None”, if the Automatic option is selected, select the default option.
- Slant labels : Selects the number of levels to the data.
- Font : Selects the font, and your formatting such as bold, italic, size and color of data.
- Font alpha : Selects the transparency of data title font.
- Background color : Select the background color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Background alpha : Selects the transparency of the background color of the title of data.
- Border width : Sets the width in pixels.
- Border alpha: Sets the transparency.
- Border dashed: If this option is selected, the border is dashed, this option is only valid if the option “Display” is checked.
Data values
Options to configure the formatting of data values.
Data values
- Font : Selects the font, and your formatting such as bold, italic, size and color of the data values.
- Font alpha : Select the transparency of the source of the data values.
- Background color : Select the background color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Background alpha : Selects the transparency of the background color of the title of data.
- Border Color : Selects the border color for the data values.
- Border width : Selects the border width for the data values.
- Border alpha : Selects the transparency of the color of the border of the data values.
- Border dashed : If this option is selected, the border is dashed, this option is only valid if the option “Display” is checked.
Div Lines and Grids
Options to configure the Division of horizontal and vertical lines on the graph.
Div Lines and Grids
- Amount of horizontal lines : Selects the amount of horizontal lines that will be shown in the chart.
- Horizontal line color : Selects the horizontal line color.
- Horizontal line thickness : Selects the thicker horizontal line.
- Horizontal line alpha : Selects transparency horizontal line
- Horizontal line dashed : If this option is selected will horizontal line plot.
- Color horizontal stripes : If this option is selected you can choose the horizontal line color.
- Horizontal stripes color : Selects the color you wish to case “Coloring horizontal Ribbon” is checked.
- Horizontal stripes alpha : Selects transparency horizontal ribbon.
- Amount of vertical lines : Amount of vertical lines
- Vertical line color : Selects the color of the vertical line.
- Vertical line thickness : Selects the vertical line thicker.
- Vertical line alpha : Select the transparency of the vertical track.
- Vertical line dashed : If this option is selected will draw the vertical line.
- Color vertical stripes : If this option is selected the developer can choose the color of the vertical line.
- Vertical stripes color : Selects the color you wish to case “Color vertical stripes” is checked.
- Vertical stripes alpha : Select the transparency of the vertical stripes.
Options to configure anchors on the chart.
- Show anchors : Enables the anchors in the chart.
- Anchor sides : Select the width of the anchor.
- Anchor radius : Selects the size of anchor beam.
- Background color : Select the color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Background alpha : Selects the transparency of the anchor.
- Border Color : Select the anchors border color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Border width : Select the border width of the anchor.
Options to configure the tooltips in the chart.
- Background color : Select the tooltip color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker.
- Background alpha : Select the transparency of the background of the tooltip.
- Border Color : Select the tooltip border color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker..
- Shadow : Enable the shadow in the tooltip.
Tick marks
Option to the configure chart marks, this option is only possible for the “Gauge” charts.
Tick marks
- Show tick marks : Enables the tick marks on the chart.
- Place ticks inside : If this option is checked the marks of the chart will tile chart poker.
- Show tick values : Show tick values
- Show limits : If this option is selected will show the chart limits.
- Place values inside : If this option is selected will show the values in the chart
- Major tick color : Major tick color.
- Major tick alpha : Major tick transparency
- Major tick thickness : Major tick thickness.
- Major tick height : Select a height for the major tick.
- Minor tick color : Select a color for the minor tick
- Minor tick alpha : Select the transparency for the minor tick
- Minor tick thickness : Minor tick thickness.
- Minor tick height : Select a height for the minor tick.
Options to configure the chart legend.
- Position : Selects the position of the legend, “beside” or “Below”..
- Beside : Positions the legend beside the chart.
- Below : Positions the legend below the chart.
- Allow drag : If this option is selected it will be possible to drag the chart legend to the desired position.
- Scroll background color : Selects the color of the scroll bar.
- Title font : Select the font, and your formatting such as bold, italic, size and color of the legend.
- Background color : Selects the background color of the legend.
- Background alpha : Selects the transparency of the legend.
- Border Color : Select the legend border color, and may add a hexadecimal value or select using the color picker..
- Border width : Selects the Border width of the legend.
- Border alpha : Selects the border transparency of the legend.