Application Settings (Tabs Application)
General data
Settings interface.
In this folder you can set the application configuration attributes, such as:
- Application Code : Code for internal use of ScriptCase. Should start by a letter.
- Connection : Connection name of the used by ScriptCase to access the tables. The user can select it.
- Default Profile : Default profile to be loaded into the production environment.
- Language : Data formatting based on the regional settings.
- Charset : Share location with other applications based on the values in the session.
- Share Theme Variable : Shares themes with other applications based on the values in the session.
- Exit URL :URL to which the user will be redirected to exit the application.
- Folder : Folder where the application will be stored in the work group. The user can select it.
- Description : Application description.
- HelpCase Link : Using this option you can associate HelpCase files to your application.
Global variables
This screen shows all global variables used in the application
The global variable is an external parameter required for running the application. The application can include global variables in the WHERE clause, field definitions and names, event programming, and so on.
You can define global variables by using square brackets ([variable]). You can pass the parameters to the application through one of the methods: Session, Post, and Get
IMPORTANT: if you need to use Database Identifiers in your tables, we recommend using the double quotation marks( “ ) instead of the brackets( [ ] ) because of the conflict with the of Global Variables syntax{:target=”_blank”} Scriptcase. Using the brackets as database identifiers may lead to problems in the Scriptcase applications.
Global variables Interface.
Select CustomerID, CustomerName from Customers
WHERE CustomerID = '[v_customerid]'
We do not recommend using session variables (global variables) with the same name as the table fields.
In this case, the variable v_customerid is displaying in the global variables configuration.
Global variables configuration Interface.
It shows the variable’s name in the application.
Defines the behavior of the variables, divided into three blocks, they are:
Defines how the application receives the variable. A variable defined as the POST method in the app does not receive value if it comes with the GET method. Those are the methods available:
- Session: Defines that the variable must be created as a PHP session variable by another application.
- GET: Defines that the variable must be passed by the URL, that is, visible by the browser.
- POST: Defines that the variable must be passed through the POST method of an HTML form.
- Optional: Check it to don’t validate the variable at runtime.
Type (In / Out)
Defines whether the variable comes from another application (In), or it is starting in the current app (Out).
Indicates where the application is using the variable.