
Dashboard Settings

General Overview

The Dashboard application is focused on creating components where you can visualize several applications at the same time.

With the dashboard application, it is possible to create, for example, a screen to visualize several graphs, and also, with the addition of the Index Widget create comparisons, show sum of values, among other functionalities.

On the home screen, you can also configure where the Widgets will be displayed, they can be easily dragged and mounted according to the user’s need.


At the homepage you can see the Widgets and some options.

This is the option to create a link widget

Add Index Widget

This is the option for creating an index widget

And within these, there are the options for:


Used to edit Widget settings.


Used to Delete a Widget.

Besides that when the mouse is over the Widget, we can see a button Size to change the size of it.

Add Link Widget

This option allows any application that exists in the project to be added to a Widget.

General link widget


To create the link enter the Widget and the application, it is necessary only to click on the field “Connection”, then it will be shown a list with all the applications existing in the project.

Link Widget List


In the toolbar settings, it is possible to configure the buttons that will appear in the toolbar of the application that is configured in connection.

The toolbar options will be displayed according to the application being connected, that is, according to the toolbar of each application.


Add Index Widget

This option allows you to add to an Index Widget based on a database table.

General index widget


To create an Index Widget you need to make a few settings.

Widget Index


In this option we can define a title for the Widget for a better visualization of what we want to display.


In this option we can define an icon to be shown in the Widget.


In this option we can define the horizontal position that the data in the Widget will be shown, we have three options:

Left: The left side of the Widget will be shown.
Centralized: Will be shown in the center of the Widget.
Right: This will be shown to the right of the Widget.


In this option it is allowed to choose which connection will be used in the Index Widget, each Widget can be configured with different connections.

Table Name

In this option it is allowed to choose which table will be used in the Index Widget.

After choosing the table, will be shown some more options, they are:

Metric Field

In this option it is allowed to select a table field to perform a metric, as in chart application. However it is possible to make some comparisons according to the period defined in the next option.

Period field

In this option it is allowed to select a field from the table so that the data chosen in the previous option can be compared.


In this option you can configure the formatting of the metric and period that will be shown in the execution of the filter.

Widget Formation

Metric Formatting

Metric Formatting as

Allows you to define the type of data that the metric will be shown, there are three options:

Internal: The index metric will be shown as a value of integer type. Decimal: The index metric will be shown as a value of type Decimal. Currency: The metric of the index will be shown as a value of type Modal.

Use regional settings

Lets you define whether the metric will follow the settings that were defined in the Regional Settings.


Allows you to set how many decimal places will be in the metric index, however this will only be available when the metric format is Decimal or Currency.

Complete with zeros

Allows you to set whether the value will be completed with zeros when set to Decimal or Currency.

Format the value in scales

Lets you set whether the number in the index will appear in a scale or the whole number. If Yes is chosen, the number instead of 10.000 will appear with 10 k value.

Period Formatting

The options are shown according to the setting in Feed Function which is set to Index, so the setting can vary between:

Use regional settings

Allows you to set whether the period will follow the settings that were set in the regional settings.

Display the name of the month

Lets you to set whether to display the name of the month.

Prefix for semester, four-month, quarter, two-month, week.

Lets you inform a lang or a title that the developer wants to appear.

Display name of the day

Lets you set whether to show the name of the day.


Allows you to perform the filter configuration that will be displayed when the Index Widget is running.


Metric filter

Filter conditions

In this option we can define the condition of the filter so that the information regarding that metric is shown, and it is not possible to change that at run time.

Period Filter

Date Ranges

In this option we can define the condition of the filter so that the information regarding that period is shown, and it is not possible to change at run time.

Relative period

Relative period

We must define which periods are available for use in the filter.

Another option referring only to the relative period is the possibility of creating conditions with relative periods customized directly within the filter interface.

The available values are separated by tabs:

Year: Sets the year used in the filter. Quarter: Defines the quarters used in the filter. Month: Sets the usage of the months of the year. Week: Sets the use of the weeks of the year. Day: Sets the use of the days of the month.

Use field table filter

Allows you to create filters from table fields.

Field Tables


In this option you can configure the layout of the map that will appear in the Widget.


Index background

It allows you to set a background color for the widget content.

Title Source

Allows you to configure the font to be displayed in the index title, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style

Source of positive index

Allows you to configure the font that will be displayed in the index when positive, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style

Negative index source

Allows you to configure the font that will be displayed in the index when negative, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style

Source of the neutral index

Allows you to configure the font to be displayed in the index when neutral, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style

Source of the dimension index

Allows you to configure the font size, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style

Source of positive metrics

Allows you to configure the font that will be displayed in the metric when positive, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style

Negative metric source

Allows you to configure the font that will be displayed in the metric when negative, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style

Neutric metric source

Allows you to configure the font that will be displayed in the metric when neutral, in this option there are four more options:


Family/source type Font size Color of the font The font style


Allows you to configure some features that will be available at execution time, they are


Compact Mode

Removes header and footer of applications added within the Widget:

Examplewith compact mode enabled

Example of compact mode enabled

Example with compact mode disabled

Example of compact mode disabled

Show widget header

Allows you to enable or disable the running widget header. The title and Remove, Mover, Maximizar and Expand__ options will be displayed, according to the individual configuration of the options.


The Remove, Mover, Maximizar and Expand options are only available if the header is being displayed.


Enables or disables the button to delete the widget at run time.

The widget will be displayed again when reloading the page.



Enables or disables the option that allows widgets to be moved at run time.


Enables or disables the option to maximize the widget. Maximize


Enables or disables the button to expand the widget. Expand

Reload time

Allows you to define a time in seconds for the Widget to be reloaded, thus reloading the information.

Remove application margin

This option removes application margins within the Widget.

Example of the application with the option remove margin enabled

Remove margin in the application active

Example of the application with the option remove margin disabled

Remove margin in the application disabled

Remove border

This option removes the edges of the applications used within the Widget

Example of the application with the remove border option activated

Remove margin in the active application

Example of the application with the remove border option disabled

Remove margin in the application disabled