
Control - Date and time Field

General Settings

Date and Time field configuration Interface. Date and Time field configuration Interface.

Data Type

Define the type of field. When setting it to Date and Time, you can inform its format into this field.


The Label option lets you define the title of a field. Example: If the database field name is “cmp_name_client”, You can display a different name for the user, like “Client Name”.

Label below field

Defines the message to be displayed below the field.

Label below field


Create a placeholder to specify a short hint that describes the expected value of an input field

Initial Value (type)

It allows you to define the initial value for the field when in insert mode. The options are:

  • Defined Value: The field receives the value informed into the input option.

Initial Value Configuration Interface. Initial Value Configuration Interface.

  • System Date: The field receives the current server Date and Time.

Amount of characters

Define the number of characters allowed for the field.

Validation Image

Allows displaying an image next to the field when validating it.

Save Variable

It allows saving the value of the field in a session variable to use it in other applications. For example, you can save the user name in the login form and display its value on the header of other applications.

Variable Name

It allows setting the name of the session variable that will receive the field value.

Hidden Field

This option hides the field from the application, but its value is still available for JavaScript or PHP processing.

Label Field

It sets the field like a Read-Only field, not allowing modifications to its value while in Insert or Update Mode.

Label Configuration Interface. Label Configuration Interface.

Browser autocomplete

Specifies whether the field will allow the browser’s autocomplete feature. By default, autocomplete is enabled for fields.

  • When disabled, the field will allow the browser’s autocomplete.
  • When enabled, the field’s autocomplete will be blocked.

Disabled Field

Defines if the field will be disabled in “Insert Mode”, “Update Mode” or in “Insert and Update Mode”.


HTML Object to display the field in the form.

SQL Type

It informs the data type of field in the database.

Values Format

Interface de formatação de valores.

Regional settings

Allows you to apply regional date formatting settings to the field. When not selected, the Date Separator and Time Separator attributes will be displayed.


Allows you to select the display format of the date/time field.

Internal Format

Field storage format in the database.

Minimum Date

Minimum value accepted as input for the field.

  • Minimum Date :
    • Fixed Date : Enter the minimum date that scriptcase will criticize in the date type field in the format as presented.
    • Current Date : When clicking on the icon next to the box, scriptcase provides the following options:
    • Simple Current Date : Will leave the current date as the maximum date, that is, no one born after the current day will enter the form.
    • Current Date with Increment : The minimum date will be the current date (+) the days or months or years that you want to increment.
    • Current Date with Decrement : The minimum date will be the current date (-) the days or months or years that you want to decrement.

Maximum Date

Maximum value accepted as input for the field.

  • Maximum Date :
    • Fixed Date : Enter the maximum date manually that scriptcase will criticize in the date type field in the format as it is presented.
    • Current Date : When clicking the icon next to the box, scriptcase provides the following options:
    • Simple Current Date : Will leave the current date as the maximum date, that is, no one born after the current day will enter the form.
    • Current Date with Increment : The maximum date will be the current date (+) the days or months or years that you want to increment.
    • Current Date with Decrement : The maximum date will be the current date (-) the days or months or years that you want to decrement.
    • Display Format : Enables display of the mode

Minimum time

Maximum value accepted by the field.

  • Fixed Time: Manually enter the maximum time that scriptcase will input in the time type field in the format as it is presented.
    • Current Time: When you click the icon next to the box, scriptcase provides the following options:
    • Current Time with Increment: The maximum time will be the current time (+) the days or months or years that you increment.
    • Current Time with Decrement: The maximum time will be the current time (-) the days or months or years that you want to decrement.

Maximum time

Maximum value accepted by the field.

  • Fixed Time: Manually enter the maximum time that scriptcase will input in the time type field in the format as it is presented.
    • Current Time: When you click the icon next to the box, scriptcase provides the following options:
    • Current Time with Increment: The maximum time will be the current time (+) the days or months or years that you increment.
    • Current Time with Decrement: The maximum time will be the current time (-) the days or months or years that you want to decrement.

Hour value

Sets the value to be assigned to the time when it is empty and a date is selected in the date picker.

  • Available values ​​are: Start of day, End of day and Current time.

Apply date limits to the calendar

Apply Minimum and Maximum Date limits when selecting calendar dates, avoiding the selection of dates outside these limits.

Display Format

Display the field format in the data cell.

Date display position

Available when activating the Display Format flag, defines where the fill mode will be displayed. The options are: Right, Below and Watermark.

Display full name

Displays the full name instead of the mask. Ex: day month year.

Group Date and Time

Group date and time in the same field.

Display Calendar

Allows you to display a calendar icon next to the field. This allows you to select the month and year, passing the value defined in the calendar to the field.

New Calendar

Show a new calendar with jquery, or the old calendar.

Years Limit

Number of years that will be displayed on the calendar.

View week number

Display week number in application.

Additional months

Display additional months in the calendar.

Available options are: 1, 2 and 3.

Show Combo year and month

Show Combo Year and month in calendar

Lookup Settings

Method used to place a description next to the field.

Lookup Settings Display for the field.

  • Use lookup to display the field description. : When enabled, the lookup settings is enabled and opens more settings.
  • SQL Command : Defines the SQL command that is going to recover the vales from the database. To build a SQL command, it is possible to use the SQL Builder tool. The SQL format needs to have the following format:
     SELECT Field_displayed FROM table WHERE Key_Field = '{Form_Field}'

The Form field needs to be referenced buy the curly brackets {}. While running the application, the field within the curly brackets is replaced by it’s value in the table.

  • Font : Defines the font used to display the lookup.
  • Font Color : Defines the color in HEX for the lookup display.
  • Font Size : Defines the font’s size in the lookup display.
  • EOF Message : Defines a message that will be displayed if there is not any results for the record.
  • Use in validation : When enabled, it will generate an automatic validation based on the lookup, in case there is not any records found, the message will display as a warning (when Updating or Including a record).

Lookup Settings validation Interface.

  • Choose connection : Allows you to select another specific connection existing in the project. The select command will be done on the second connection.

Display Settings

The Display Settings allows to define the CSS for the fields individually. For each Display Settings of Scriptcase, exists the same attributes available for this interface.

Display Settings Interface.

  • CSS of the Title
    • Font : Allows to choose the font type, that will be applied to the application field title.
    • Font Size : Allows to choose the the font size, that will be applied to the application field title.
    • Font Color :Allows to choose a color for the font from the color pallet.
    • Background Color : Allows to define the color for the field, the color can be selected from the color pallet.
    • Bold : Applies the bold style to the font.
    • Underline : Applies the underline style to the font.
    • Border Size : Applies the border size to the title of the field.
    • Border Color : Allows to choose a color for the border, using a color pallet to apply to the title.
    • Horizontal Alignment : Allows to position the label of the field in the desired position (left,right,center and justify).
    • Vertical Alignment : Allows to position the label of the field in the desired position (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom).
    • Width : To define a width for the title of the field.
    • Height : To define a height for the title of the field.
  • CSS of the Field
    • Font : Allows to choose the font type, that will be applied to the application field.
    • Font Size : Allows to choose the the font size, that will be applied to the application field.
    • Font Color :Allows to choose a color for the font from the color pallet.
    • Background Color : Allows to define the color for the field, the color can be selected from the color pallet.
    • Bold : Applies the bold style to the font.
    • Underline : Applies the underline style to the font.
    • Border Size : Applies the border size to the field.
    • Border Color : Allows to choose a color for the border, using a color pallet to apply to the field.
    • Horizontal Alignment : Allows to position the field in the desired position (left,right,center and justify).
    • Vertical Alignment : Allows to position the field in the desired position (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom).
    • Width : To define a width for the field.
    • Height : To define a height for the field.
  • CSS of the Input Object
    • Font : Allows to choose the font type, that will be applied to the Input Object. For example: Radio, Select, Text, etc
    • Font Size : Allows to choose the the font size, that will be applied to the application field.
    • Font Color :Allows to choose a color for the font from the color pallet.
    • Background Color : Allows to define the color for the Input Object, the color can be selected from the color pallet.
    • Bold : Applies the bold style to the font.
    • Underline : Applies the underline style to the font.
    • Border Size : Applies the border size to the Input Object.
    • Border Color : Allows to choose a color for the border, using a color pallet to apply to the Input Object.
    • Horizontal Alignment : Allows to position the Input Object in the desired position (left,right,center and justify).
    • Vertical Alignment : Allows to position the Input Object in the desired position (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom).
    • Width : To define a width for the Input Object.
    • Height : To define a height for the Input Object.

Help Settings

Allow the developer to set up instructions and hints about the field’s use, allowing the developer to help the users about the system usage.

Help Configuration Interface.

Description of the settings attributes.

Help Description

In this area, you can set up a text that will be shown in the application according to the type of help selected below.

Help Type


Display a default icon ? beside the field. When the mouse is above the icon a help text will be displayed.

Help Display Type Configuration Interface.


Display a text inside of a <span></span> beside the field.

Help Display Type Configuration Interface.


Display a default icon ? beside the field. To display the message just click in the icon that a Pop-up will be displayed with the help text.

Help Display Type Configuration Interface.

The icon displayed when selecting the types Hint or Pop-up vary according to the theme that is being used in the application. This icon can be modified in the CSS Buttons.


Help display type configuration interface.

Displays a standard ? icon next to the field. When you hover the mouse over the icon, the message will be displayed in a more user-friendly way.

Help type settings (Tippy)

Help display type configuration interface.

  • Help Description : Defines where the field’s help button will be displayed

  • Help button position : Defines the display position of the Tippy hint in relation to the field’s help icon

  • Time to open hin Tippy : Defines the time in milliseconds for the Tippy hint to be displayed after the mouse passes over the help icon.

  • Time to close hin Tippy : Sets the time in milliseconds for the Tippy hint to be hidden after the mouse leaves the help icon.

  • Tippy hint width : Sets the width of the Tippy hint in pixels.

Help button position (except Tippy)

Allow to set up where the help button will be displayed in the field, there are two options:

Beside: The help icon will be displayed beside the field.
Column: The help icon will be displayed beside the label of the field.