
Calendar - Fields Overview

The applications can have two types of fields.

Table Fields

Columns of the table connected to the application and their data types.


In a table with the following structure:

    CREATE TABLE `orders`  (
      `orderid` int(11) NOT NULL,
      `customerid` varchar(5) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
      `employeeid` int(11) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
      `orderdate` date NULL DEFAULT NULL,
      `requireddate` date NULL DEFAULT NULL,
      PRIMARY KEY (`orderid`) USING BTREE

These are the listed fields on left menu Fields:

Application fields list

Virtual Fields

Fields created inside application to assist in the development process.

How to create a virtual field

  1. Inside an application, access the left menu Fields and click on New Field option.
  2. Choose how many fields do you want to create:

Amount of fields to create

  1. Create the fields and define type, name and label for each one:

Fields definitions

  • Type: Data type of the field.
  • Name: Internal name of the field. Used to identify the field on events and Scriptcase interface.
  • Label: Title of the field displayed on the application.

Scriptcase doesn’t insert virtual fields on the table after its creation.

Types of fields by applications

Application Table Fields Virtual Fields
Grid Thumb Up Thumb Up
Procedure Thumb Up Thumb Down
Chart Thumb Up Thumb Down
Form Thumb Up Thumb Up
Control Thumb Down Thumb Up
Calendar Thumb Up Thumb Up
Search Thumb Up Thumb Up
PDF Report Thumb Up Thumb Up

The applications Menu, Tree Menu, Dashboard and Blank were not listed because they haven’t manage fields.