
CSS Button Settings for Export Emails

In this option we can configure the layout of the buttons that will be displayed in the applications used in the project.

Below you can see the list of buttons you can configure.


In this option you can define how the button will appear in the application.

The available options are:


If you select Image, the button appears as an icon in the application.


If you select the button type you can perform the button configuration that will be displayed in the applications.

If you select the Link Type the button in the application will be displayed as a link.


Image Option

Option Preview

It shows a preview of how the button will appear in the application according to the settings made.


Option that allows the upload of own icons to the Scriptcase image manager, in order to be used in the buttons.


Option to enter text configured in [Translate Applications][translate_applications] or text entered by the user that will be shown when the mouse is over the button.


Button Option


Option to set what will be displayed on the button, the options are:

Only Text

Only the text defined by the user will be displayed.

Only Image

Only the image defined by the user will be displayed.

Text and Image

Both text and images defined by the user will be displayed.

Only Font-awesome icon

The image selected by the user will be displayed.

Display text and icon Font-awesome

Both text and images defined by the user will be displayed.


Option that allows the upload of own icons to the Scriptcase image manager, in order to be used in the buttons.

Image Position

Sets where the image will be placed on the button, the options are:

Image on the right

The image will be displayed on the right and the text will be displayed on the left.

Text on the right

The text will be displayed on the right and the image will be displayed on the left.


Option to enter text configured in [Translate Applications][translate_applications] or text entered by the user that will be shown when the mouse is over the button.


Option to enter text configured in [Translate Applications][translate_applications] or text entered by the user that will be shown when the mouse is over the button.

CSS Style

Option to set which style will be used by buttons. Layouts are created in the Button Styles or Link Styles options.


Opção Link


Option to enter text configured in [Translate Applications][translate_applications] or text entered by the user that will be shown when the mouse is over the button.


Option to enter text configured in [Translate Applications][translate_applications] or text entered by the user that will be shown when the mouse is over the button.

CSS Style

Option to set which style will be used by buttons. Layouts are created in the Button Styles or Link Styles options.