Scriptcase Macros Overview
What are macros?
Macros are functions created by Scriptcase developers to help you customize your application and coding. Using Macros simplifies your code editing as well as your validation processes.
The code editor within Scriptcase provides you some functionalities which allow you to change the code editor to wide screen or to display the sidebars menus with some options.
Once you’re inside the event code editor, you will see the right side bar menu with the available macros being displayed with a green point
Scriptcase’s macros always star you can type with a “sc_”. A hint is that “sc_” and hit ctrl + spacebar in your keyboard to check a list of available macros in the event you are.
Where can they be used?
You can use the macros within the application events, depending on the scope described in the article Events X Macros and within internal or external libraries from Scriptcase. application methods and fields lookups.