This macro starts a set of transactions in the database.
This macro dynamically change the application connections.
Makes all data modifications performed since the beginning of the transaction a permanent part of the database.
This macro is used to combine two or more strings and/or fields from the table.
This macro edits an existing connection at runtime.
This macro creates new connections dynamically.
This macro deactivates the Scriptcase standard database error treatment message for an event.
This macro configure the variable that contains the database error message that can occurs during the exclusion of a record.
This macro configure the variable that contains the database error message that can occurs during the addition of a record.
This macro configure the variable that contains the database error message that can occurs during the update of a record.
This macro execute SQL commands passed as parameter or a SQL command in the SQL field action type.
sc_lookup (Dataset, "SQL Command", "Connection")
This macro executes a SELECT command stored in the second parameter and returns the data in a variable.
This macro executes a SELECT command stored in the second parameter and returns the data in a variable.
This macro erases the changes made using "sc_change_connection".
This macro undoes the connection edits made by macro "sc_connection_edit".
This macro undoes the connections made by the macro "sc_connection_new".
This macro discards a set of transations in the data base.
sc_select (dataset, "SQL Command", "Connection")
This macro executes the commands passed in the second parameter and returns the dataset in a variable.
This macro modify dynamically a field that will be recovered in the grid.
This macro modifies the grids "ORDER BY" clause field dynamically.
This macro dynamically adds a condition to the grid WHERE clause.
This macro allows to change the type of return from the dataset of the select commands
This macro is used to protect the field/variable against "SQL injection" attempts.
This macro protects the value passed as parameter according with the used database.
This macro is used to make a reference of the where clause currently used.
Retrieve where clause used in original select command of the application.
Global variables containing database access values used by main connection.
Date |
sc_date (Date, "Format", "Operator", D, M, Y)
This macro calculates and returns increments and decrements using dates.
sc_date_conv ({Field_Date}, "Input_Format", "Output_Format")
This macro converts the date field passed as parameter with an input format to another field with an output format.
sc_date_dif ({Date1}, "Format Date1", {Date2}, "Format Date2")
This macro calculates the difference between two dates (passed as parameters) returning the result in days.
sc_date_dif_2 ({Date1}, "Format Date1", {Date2}, "Format Date2", Option)
This macro calculates the difference between two dates returning the amount of days, months and years.
This macro checks if a date field its empty returning a boolean.
sc_time_diff ({datetime_01}, "Date_01 Format", {datetime_02}, "Date_02 Format")
Calculate difference in hours, returning the amount of hours, minutes and seconds.
Control |
Returns the current state of the ajax button created in the action bar.
Disables the buttons created on the action bar.
Enables the buttons created on the action bar.
Hides created buttons in the action bar.
Displays the created buttons on the action bar.
Changes the current state of the button on the action bar.
This macro allows the execution of JavaScript methods in form/control events
This macro shows a Javascript alert message on the screen.
This macro is used to download or download files using the Storage APIs.
The macro sc_api_gc_get_obj generates the token_code
This macro generates a URL for user authentication of the google account used for API configuration
This macro is used to delete files stored in cloud storage services.
This macro is used to upload files using the Storage APIs.
This macro modify the application execution property.
This macro allows that the user defines in your initial application what will happen when the application lost the session.
sc_calc_dv (Digit, Rest, Value, Module, Weights, Type)
This macro calculate verifier digits. (checksums)
This macro allows us to use as integrated Scriptcase APIs
Dynamically controls the display of captcha in the application.
This macro returns "true" if the field name have been changed.
This macro shows a Javascript confirmation screen.
This macro returns the encrypted field or variable to its original value.
This macro returns the field or variable with the content encrypted.
Interrupts the method being processed and must be used in conjunction with the "sc_error_message" macro
This macro generates an error message.
This macro forces the application to exit.
It ignores the validations defined in the field configuration screen, such as: Required field, character types, among others.
This macro assigns the properties of a field to a javascript variable.
This macro returns the abbreviation of the language being used.
This macro returns the abbreviation of the regional settings being used.
This macro returns the application theme name.
Retrieves the id of the current page, in the transition between the steps of a wizard form.
This macro dynamically modify the field label displayed in group by lines.
This macro loads images passed as parameter to use in the application.
This macro is used to "include" PHP routines.
This macro is used to dynamically select the application libraries.
This macro includes a PHP file from a library in the application.
This macro its used to modify dynamically the grid form field label.
This macro returns the application language
sc_link (Column, Application, Parameters, "Hint", "Target", Height, Width)
This macro dynamically creates or modifies links between grid applications and other applications.
This macro will add a record into the log table.
This macro returns what was inserted in the "description" field of the log table in an array format.
sc_mail_send (SMTP, Usr, Pw, From, To, Subject, Message, Mens_Type, Copies, Copies_Type, Port, Connection_Type, Attachment, SSL)
This macro is used to send e-mails.
This macro is used to create a string with the link data to another application.
This macro update a Master Application object from a Detail Application.
sc_redir ('app_name/url', parameter01; parameter02, 'target', 'error', 'modal_height', 'modal_width')
This macro is used to redirect to another application or URL.
This macro can reset sc_apl_default macro settings.
This macro deletes session variables received as a parameter or multiple parameters.
Enables dynamic sending of embedded emails with Mandrill and Amazon SES
sc_send_notification ('title', 'message', 'destiny_type', 'to', 'from', 'link', 'dtexpire', 'profile')
Sends notifications dynamically to the system users.
This macro is used to send text SMS messages
This macro provide the register sequential number.
This macro is used to register session variables.
This macro is used to select a specific GROUP BY rule.
This macro allows us to dynamically change the application language.
This macros allows to dynamically change the application regional settings.
This macro is used to dynamically define the application themes.
This macro verifies if its been used on a safe/secure site. (https protocol)
Calculates and returns an array with statistical values, from an array with numeric values
This macro its used to set the number of decimals.
This macro modifies the application exit URL.
This macro returns the path of a file, inside a library, to be used on the applications.
This macro dynamically activates or deactivates warning messages control.
sc_webservice ("Method", "URL", "Port", "Send Method", "Parameters Array", "Setting's Array", "Timeout", "Return")
This macro is used to communicate with a web service.
This macro is used to generate ZIP files from a file list and/or directories.
Variables that contains all the totals (general and for grouping).
Breaking totals variables.
Filter |
This macro its used to save the where clause content generated through the filter form.
Security |
This macro Activate/Deactivate the applications at user level.
Retrieves the existing groups in Active Directory (AD).
sc_ldap_login ($server, $version, $user, $password, $dn, $group, $port, $library)
Main macro for LDAP authentication, responsible for establishing the connection with the server.
This macro is used to release the connection after using the macro sc_ldap_login
This macro is used to perform searches in the LDAP.
Retrieves LDAP users and their attributes based on the authenticated user's permissions.
This macro deletes all the modifications effected by "sc_apl_conf" macro.
This macro deletes all the application security status variables.
sc_user_logout ('variable_name', 'variable_content', 'apl_redir.php', 'target')
Macro used to log the user out to the system.
Shows |
sc_ajax_message ("Message", "Title", "Parameters", "Parameters_Redir", "String_toast");
This macro allows the application to display customized messages.
Used to dynamically reload data in grid applications.
This macro dynamically show/hide the fields of a specific block.
Allows manipulating CSS properties of query fields and rows.
Allows adding a help text to links created from an onClick Ajax event.
This macro changes the color of a determined field text.
This macro is used to block a field to get any data that would be typed on it.
This macro has the objective to block the typing on determined fields in the Forms.
This macro will display or hide a specific field dynamically.
This macro is intended to inhibit the query fields on the initial load.
This macro dynamically sets a form field attribute to '"Read-Only"
sc_field_style ({My_Field}, "Background-Color", "Size", "Color", "Family", "Weight")
This macro allows to dynamically modify the grid field style.
sc_format_num ({My_Field}, "Group_Symb", "Dec_Symb", "Amount_Dec", "Fill_Zeros", "Side_Neg", "Currency_Symb", "Side_Currency_Symb")
This macro its used to format numerical values.
This macro has the objective to format numbers, using the regional settings
This macro dynamically show or hide the form.
This macro provides the name of the Group By rule running at the time.
Inhibits the header display.
Macro used to disable Group By rules.
This macro its used to set the focus to a specific field in a form application.
sc_text_style ({My_Field}, "Background-Color", "Size", "Color", "Family", "Weight")
This macro allows to dynamically modify the text style of a grid field.
Buttons |
This macro returns "true" when the "copy" button is selected in a form.
This macro returns "true" when the "Delete" button is selected in a form.
It is intended to dynamically enable or disable a toolbar button.
This macro shows and hides buttons on the toolbar in execution time.
This macro returns "true" when the "Add" button is selected in a form.
This macro is used to change the label of the buttons.
This macro returns "true" when the "Add New" button is selected in a form.
This macro returns "true" when the "Save" button is selected in a form.
Changes the name of files exported by the query
User/Password for the WEB server.
Menu |
This macro is used to disable Menu buttons.
This macro identifies the application name that was selected in the menu.