Search - Double Select Field
General Settings
![Double Select field Configuration Interface.][filtro_cons_duplo_select] Double Select field Configuration Interface.
- Data Type : Define the type of field for the application. When set to Double Select, your allowed to have multiple options selected.
- Search Label : Defines the title of a field in the application. For example: if the field is defined in the database as cmp_name_client, it will be more clear for the comprehension of the user if the name would be “Client Name”.
- Use same label used on the Grid : When this option is enabled, it allows to field to use the same title defined in the grid, in this case the Search Label is not used.
- Amount of characters : Define the amount of characters allowed for the field.
- Maximum Size : Defines the size of the field.
- SQL Type : Informs the data type of field in the database.
Field Behavior
![Double Select Field Behavior Interface of the Search Configuration.][filtro_cons_cpf_filtro] Double Select Field Behavior Interface of the Search Configuration.
- Use autocomplete : The field behaves as an autocomplete according to the values existing in the database.
- OnChange Submit : When enabled, it submits the search when there is modifications to the field.
- Show Condition : When enabled, it displays the condition of the search in the Grid, it will only work if there is at least one option selected.
Search Lookup
A method used to offer the user a list of values that can be selected in the form applications. For example, the gender field in the Database with the values M or F can be presented like Male or Female or in a dynamic way, getting these values from the database.
Lookup Settings Display for the field.
Automatic Lookup Interface..
- SQL Select Statement : Defines the SQL command that will get the values displayed on the form field. The command needs to have the following structure:
SELECT key_field , display_field FROM table
The value of the key_field will be stored in the table field.
- Height : Set the height(lines) of the field interface.
- Delimiter : Defines the character used to separate the values selected in the form. Only inform a value to this field if you need to separate the selected options with a different delimiter than (;).
- Reload form when value has changed : With this option selected, the form will refresh if there is a change to the selected object in the field.
- Display original and lookup value : Displays the value of the field and the value returned from the lookup.
- Separated by : Defines which character will be used to separate the values of the field with the value returned from the lookup. It is only necessary to inform this value of the option Display original and lookup value is enabled.
- Choose connection : Selects another specific connection existing in the project. The select command will be done on the second connection.
Ajax Processing
Ajax Processing configuration Interface.
Allows to define the field that will be reloaded when selecting a value that has the (onChange) trigger.
For example: a field of the type select with a list of states, and another select field with a list of cities. When selecting a state, the cities list is reloaded.
Display Settings
The Display Settings allows to define the CSS for the fields individually. For each Display Settings of Scriptcase, exists the same attributes available for this interface.
- CSS of the Title
- Font : Allows to choose the font type, that will be applied to the application field title.
- Font Size : Allows to choose the the font size, that will be applied to the application field title.
- Font Color :Allows to choose a color for the font from the color pallet.
- Background Color : Allows to define the color for the field, the color can be selected from the color pallet.
- Bold : Applies the bold style to the font.
- Underline : Applies the underline style to the font.
- Border Size : Applies the border size to the title of the field.
- Border Color : Allows to choose a color for the border, using a color pallet to apply to the title.
- Horizontal Alignment : Allows to position the label of the field in the desired position (left,right,center and justify).
- Vertical Alignment : Allows to position the label of the field in the desired position (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom).
- Width : To define a width for the title of the field.
- Height : To define a height for the title of the field.
- CSS of the Field
- Font : Allows to choose the font type, that will be applied to the application field.
- Font Size : Allows to choose the the font size, that will be applied to the application field.
- Font Color :Allows to choose a color for the font from the color pallet.
- Background Color : Allows to define the color for the field, the color can be selected from the color pallet.
- Bold : Applies the bold style to the font.
- Underline : Applies the underline style to the font.
- Border Size : Applies the border size to the field.
- Border Color : Allows to choose a color for the border, using a color pallet to apply to the field.
- Horizontal Alignment : Allows to position the field in the desired position (left,right,center and justify).
- Vertical Alignment : Allows to position the field in the desired position (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom).
- Width : To define a width for the field.
- Height : To define a height for the field.
- CSS of the Input Object
- Font : Allows to choose the font type, that will be applied to the Input Object. For example: Radio, Select, Text, etc
- Font Size : Allows to choose the the font size, that will be applied to the application field.
- Font Color :Allows to choose a color for the font from the color pallet.
- Background Color : Allows to define the color for the Input Object, the color can be selected from the color pallet.
- Bold : Applies the bold style to the font.
- Underline : Applies the underline style to the font.
- Border Size : Applies the border size to the Input Object.
- Border Color : Allows to choose a color for the border, using a color pallet to apply to the Input Object.
- Horizontal Alignment : Allows to position the Input Object in the desired position (left,right,center and justify).
- Vertical Alignment : Allows to position the Input Object in the desired position (baseline, sub, super, top, text-top, middle, bottom, text-bottom).
- Width : To define a width for the Input Object.
- Height : To define a height for the Input Object.
Help Settings
This feature allows that the instructions are documented to be used for the generated application, this helps the end user to understand better how the system works.
- Help Description : Allows to inform a text that will present to the user when he positions the mouse over the field.
- Help Type
- Pop-Up : Selecting the pop-up type, it will display an icon beside the field that when clicked, you will view a pop-up with help description.
Help type - Pop-up configuration Interface.
- Hint : Passing the cursor over the field, you will view a hint with the help description.
Help type - Hint configuration Interface.
- Text : It will display the help description beside the field.
Help type - Text configuration Interface.