
Enabling Amazon RDS MariaDB PDO

At Scriptcase, we have the following driver available for connection to MariaDB: MariaDB PDO. If you are using your own pre-configured environment, MariaDB extensions must be manually enabled in PHP.

Configuring and enabling MariaDB PDO on Linux

IMPORTANT: If you are using Scriptcase’s automatic installer, the extensions are already enabled in PHP, ready for connection. The procedure below is only for manual installations of Scriptcase.

1 - On your linux terminal, you only need to run one line to install MariaDB extension. See below for how to proceed.

sudo apt-get install php8.1-mysql

  • If you are unable to execute the above command because you cannot find packages, install the repository below and update.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ondrej/php sudo apt-get update

Enabling MySQL extensions - Linux

2 - Restart the Apache service through the terminal.

sudo service apache2 restart

Connection to Scriptcase

Questions or Connection Problems?

Contact our support in case of connection problems or questions regarding this database.