
Grid Settings

Grid application advanced settings

Friendly URL

This attribute defines the application’s friendly URL.

Example of friendly URL definition

Alphanumeric characters and some special characters are allowed, such as: hyphen (-), underscore (_), comma (,), and dot (.).

The use of accents or spaces is not allowed.

Some recommendations for definition are:

  • Use keywords for identification.
  • Use hyphens to separate words.
  • Use only lowercase letters.
  • Avoid using dates.
Example of an application using a Friendly URL

Application using Friendly URL

The friendly URL can also be defined in the application list on the project’s initial screen.

See the example below

Friendly URL on the project's initial screen

Display Line Number

This attribute defines whether or not the line counter is displayed in the application. The row counter will be positioned next to the options column.

This feature is only available for forms configured in the formats: Grid Editable and Grid Editable (View)

Example with display line number enabled

Example of the app with the record counter

Example with display line number disabled

Example of the app without the record counter

  • Display Titles : Allows you to set if the titles of fields will be displayed or not.

Line break in title

This attribute defines whether or not the line break in the field label will be allowed.

This attribute is only available in horizontal forms (Multiple Records, Editable Grid and Editable Grid (View)) configured to use partial pagination.

When enabled, does not allow line breaks in the field label. In this way, even if the field occupies a smaller space than the label, as in the Customer Code field in the image below, the line will not be broken.

Example of line break in title enabled

App com a opção de Quebra de linha na label

When disabled, allows a line break in the field label. When using this option, the space destined to the label will be defined by the size of the field, in this way, if the ladel is larger than the space destined to the field, there will be a break in the line.

Example of line break in title disabled

App com a opção de Quebra de linha na label

Horizontal Alignment

Defines the horizontal alignment of the application and can be defined as: Centered, Left or Right.

The attribute’s default setting is Centered


Positions the application in the center of the page, respecting the margin definitions defined in the theme or in the margin attribute.

Application example with centered alignment

App with the Line Break option in the label


Positions the application in the left corner of the screen, respecting the definitions of the margins defined in the theme or in the margin attribute.

Left-aligned application example

App with the Line Break option in the label

Positions the application in the right corner of the screen, respecting the definitions of the margins defined in the theme or in the margin attribute.

Right-aligned application example

App with the Line Break option in the label

Vertical Alignment

This attribute defines the vertical alignment of the application and can be configured with the following options: No Value, Top, Center ou Bottom.

When using Top, Center or Bottom alignments, the margin attribute is disregarded.

See below for details on each of the alignment options.

No Value

Standard vertical alignment for new applications. In this configuration, the application is positioned at the top of the screen respecting the margins defined in the margin attribute or in the definition of the theme used in the application.

Application example with standard alignment

Application example using standard vertical alignment


Places the application at the top of the screen, disregarding the definitions of margins defined in the application theme or in the margin attribute.

Application example with alignment on the top

App with the Line Break option in the label


Positions the application in the center of the screen, disregarding the definitions of the margins defined in the application theme or in the margin attribute.

Application example with Center alignment

App with the Line Break option in the label


Places the application at the bottom of the screen, disregarding the definitions of margins defined in the application theme or in the margin attribute.

Application example with alignment on the bottom

App with the Line Break option in the label


Allows the developer to set the application’s margin values in pixels. If no value is specified, the application will use the default values from the configured theme.

When configuring the Vertical Alignment attribute, the defined margin values will be ignored.

Example of how to use the attribute

Informing the margin's values

Field alignment

Defines the alignment of field values ​​when the grid uses Vertical or Slide orientations.

This attribute is only considered in grids configured as Slide or Vertical

It allows defining the alignment of fields when the query orientation is configured as Vertical or Slide.

Table columns

This parameter defines the width of the application fields. The available options are: Informed, Calculated e Automatic.

Table columns options


This property defines that the width of the fields will be defined individually, at the field level, through the Width attribute.

Using this property, it is mandatory that the width attribute in the field configuration has a value, otherwise, the field will assume the behavior of the Automatic property.


The field width is calculated by our generator according to its field type and size.


In this case the field width will be defined using browser criteria. No specific width for the fields will be informed.

Options for the Columns attribute of the table using the entered value

Refresh interval

This attribute defines the page refresh time. This time is defined in seconds and only numbers must be informed.

By default the attribute is defined with 0. With this value there will be no page reload.

Page lap time attribute