05 Quick Search
Quicksearch is an option that allows to search data in various fields of the application by using the text box in the toolbar.
Quick Search Settings
In the quick search settings you can find the following options:
Quicksearch layout
Simplified: Standard quicksearch view. This option displays the input where we must inform the terms to be searched for.
Extended: In this layout, in addition to the simplified layout options described above, it is possible to select the columns where a search will be carried out and the criteria to be selected.
The criteria must be selected in the option Research Criteria, they are:
Contains, Equal beginning, Exactly equal, Does not contain, Different, Greater than, Greater than equal, Less than and Less equal
Highlight results
Highlights the result of the research performed.
Maintain search condition
This option defines the behavior of quicksearch in relation to the advanced filter.
When activated, quicksearch takes into account the search performed in the advanced filter, so the quicksearch search will be carried out in conjunction with the advanced search.
When you disable the option, quicksearch completely disregards the search performed in the advanced filter.
Button within the search area
Defines the placement of the search button, whether it will be in the text area or outside it.
Option Enable -
Option Disabled -
Display combobox in the simplified layout
When active, display combobox with the fields selected in the Quicksearch extended fields option
Watermark that will be displayed in quicksearch. A lang or a fixed text can be used.
By default, we use the lang: {lang_othr_qk_watermark}
Quicksearch width
Width in pixels of the Quicksearch input.
Settings for Individual Search by field
This configuration defines the fields that are available in the quicksearch combobox, when activating the Extended Layout option, in the general settings
Fields for individual search
Use fields displayed in the application: When selecting this option, only the fields displayed in the application will be available in the combobox.
Define fields manually: Allows the developer to select the fields that will be available in the quicksearch combobox.
Search settings in the ‘All Fields’ option
This option defines the fields that will be used in quicksearch, regardless of their configuration. That is, all fields selected in this option will always be available in the search.
Search in All Fields
All Fields added to the fields of the Individual Search: In addition to the fields selected in this option, the fields selected in the Quicksearch extended fields option will be available in the quicksearch search.
Only those selected for All Fields: Only the fields selected in this option will be available in the search through quicksearch
Search Criteria
Defines quicksearch search criteria.
When checking the options, the combobox with the criteria will be displayed
These are the options available as a quicksearch search criterion.
- Contains
- Equal beginning
- Exactly equal
- Does not contain
- Different
- Greater than
- Greater than equal
- Less than
- Less equal