
Chart Layout Setting

This module lets you editing display options for the application. You can apply visualization themes, organize blocks, define values, and the display format of the Header and Footer.

Layout Settings

ScriptCase creates an app by using default values defined per project, but you can change those values for a specific application on this interface.

Application Display Theme Configuration Application Layout Settings

Header Template

Allows choosing the look of the application Header.

Allows choosing the look of the application Footer.


Allows choosing the button theme for the application.


Choose one of the selected themes in the project properties. It defines the look of the application, like colors, fonts, and others.


Here we can define if we want to display the header or not, the application title, and fill the header variables. The header looks according to the selected template in the Layout settings interface.

Application Header Configuration Application Header Configuration

Display Header

This option determines if we want to display the header or not.


Allows informing the title of the application.

Header Variables

We must fill the variable fields with one of the types available in the Combobox. Depending on the type, you need to associate content with it. Those are the types:

  • Field: When you choose the option “Field”, it opens a Combobox to choose a field to associate the field value with the header. This option will be enabled in the applications that you can crate a fields
  • Title: It displays the value of “Application Title” in the header.
  • Date: It displays the system’s date in “yyyy/mm/dd” format in the header. There are several display formats available, and you can change it by using the text field beside it. To access existing formats, click on the hint to see an explanation.
  • Image: It displays a field to inform the name of an existing image in the server. You can select an image by clicking on the icon “Choose Image”, and you still can upload new images by using the button “Upload”. Application Footer configuration.
  • Value: It displays the content of the text input. You can inform static texts and “Global Variables”. e.g. “Employee Name: [v_name]”.

Depending on the Application, you may have more than one title option.


Application Footer Configuration Application Footer Settings

This page may change depending on the footer template chosen in the Layout Settings.

This option determines if we want to display the footer or not.

We must fill the variable fields with one of the types available in the Combobox. Depending on the type, you need to associate content with it. Those are the types:

  • Field: When you choose the option “Field”, it opens a Combobox to choose a field to associate the field value with the header. This option will be enabled in the applications that you can crate a fields
  • Date: It displays the system’s date in “yyyy/mm/dd” format in the header. There are several display formats available, and you can change it by using the text field beside it. To access existing formats, click on the hint to see an explanation.
  • Image: It displays a field to inform the name of an existing image in the server. You can select an image by clicking on the icon “Choose Image”, and you still can upload new images by using the button “Upload”. Application Footer configuration.
  • Value: It displays the content of the text input. You can inform static texts and “Global Variables”. e.g. “Employee Name: [v_name]”.