
Form Search Overview

The chart application offers the following types of filters for the user:

Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filter is another powerful filtering tool in Scriptcase. It offers more detailed options to refine query results. With the Advanced Filter, you can select columns, comparison operators, and values to create custom filter conditions. Additionally, you can combine multiple conditions using logical operators like “AND” and “OR.” The Advanced Filter is ideal when you need more precision in your queries, allowing you to define complex criteria to find the desired data.

Filter Builder

Allows the end user to create filters during the use of the application, combining different conditions and logical operators (AND/OR) to create more robust filters and generate more detailed reports.

Below is an example of how the filter builder works.

The user can add several fields or nested conditions to combine the use of logical operators. Example of the filter builder interface in the application

Dynamic Filter

Allows the end user to build filters during the use of the application by adding the fields that should compose the filter according to their needs, within the same logical operator.

Below is an example of how the dynamic filter works.

The user must select the logical operator that will be used for all filter fields: All conditions (AND) or any condition (OR). Example of the dynamic filter interface in the application