Security Module Overview
This screen is displayed when accessing the security module if there is any previously configured security profile.
On this screen, the developer chooses to create a new security module or use an existing profile.
Use Profile
When selecting this option the module configurations are filled according to the configurations used in the selected profile creation.
The creation of profiles in the security module occurs at the end of the module’s configuration process, storing the options and settings made.
Profiles can be saved in three ways.
- Public - With this option all projects and users of the tool will have access to this profile.
- Project - When saving the profile at the project level, all users of the project where the profile was created will have access for use..
- User - Only the user who performed the profile configuration will have access to its use in any project.
Create New
When choosing to create a new module, the module’s configurations change to Scriptcase’s default values.
Choose the Security Type
This is the first step in creating the security module.
On this screen, we must select the type of security that will be created. In this case the User module will be chosen.
Security module per User
Under this security type all users have access to all applications. It works only for user authentication. Scriptcase will create one table to store the user and password information and validate the access using a login screen.
For more details about the User Security Module, click here
Security module per Application
Under this type Scriptcase will also control login and password as the User Security and also create a restricted access control to the applications or system options according to the logged user. It is possible to define which applications is accessible to each user.
For more details about the Application Security Module, click here
Security module per Group
This type of security includes the options of User and Application types, however with the Group Security type you will group the users and define the permissions to access the applications or system options according to the groups. One user can belong to one or more groups.
For more details about the Group Security Module, click here
Security module per LDAP
The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. You can use this protocol within Scriptcase Security module to authentication users in two ways:
Authentication only
Performs only a simple user authentication, similar to User Security Type.
For more details about the Ldap Authentication only, click here
Total Control
where we can define the access by groups, similar to the Group Security Type.
For more details about the Ldap Total Control, click here