
Per-Application Security Module Overview

Making use of the security modules, you can implement a complete access rules for systems developed by ScriptCase. The process for the security module creation is quick and simple.

Security module per Application

It has a restriction of access to applications according to the user. In this type of security, the administrator must define which applications can be accessed by system users.

In this type of security, these tables are created:


CREATE TABLE "sec_users" (
    "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "pswd" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "name" TEXT,
    "email" TEXT,
    "active" TEXT,
    "activation_code" TEXT,
    "priv_admin" TEXT,
    "mfa" TEXT,
    "picture" BLOB,
    PRIMARY KEY ("login")


CREATE TABLE "sec_apps" (
"app_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
"app_type" TEXT,
"description" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ("app_name")


CREATE TABLE "sec_users_apps" (
"login" TEXT NOT NULL,
"app_name" TEXT NOT NULL,
"priv_access" TEXT,
"priv_insert" TEXT,
"priv_delete" TEXT,
"priv_update" TEXT,
"priv_export" TEXT,
"priv_print" TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ("login", "app_name")


CREATE TABLE "sec_logged" (
    "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
    "date_login" TEXT,
    "sc_session" TEXT,
    "ip" TEXT

The table Logged users will be created only if the option Protect Logged users is checked during the Security Module creation.


CREATE TABLE "sec_users_social" (
  "login" TEXT NOT NULL,
  "resource" TEXT NOT NULL,
  "resource_id" TEXT NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY ("login", "resource", "resource_id")

The table users_social will be created only if the option Use social networks is checked during the Security Module creation.


CREATE TABLE "sec_settings" (
set_name TEXT NOT NULL,
set_value TEXT,
PRIMARY KEY ("set_name")