Security Module Overview
The Security Module automatically generates a set of applications used to manage system security. This generator creates all validation of access and use of applications, in addition to options such as: password recovery, two-factor authentication, new user registration, login with social network, among other resources available for settings.
Resources must be configured by the developer in the module creation process according to the system definition.
With the New Security Module, all settings defined at creation will also be available in the Configuration application, as long as it is enabled by the developer, thus allowing the system administrator user to configure/change the settings used by the developer when creating the module.
With the new module, changes such as email configuration, authentication API, password length, use of captcha, among other options, are now available within the system itself.
The security generator is available in the menu: Modules > Security.
Create/Choose Profile
On this screen, the Create Security Module button (to create a new blank module) and the saved profiles of previously created modules will be displayed. These profiles store the configurations made when creating the module, so when selecting a profile the configuration options will be filled in.
The Create/Choose Profile page will be opened if there is a security profile saved, otherwise, the security module will be opened on the Security Types screen
Types of security
At this stage, the developer must select the type of security they want to create, according to the system’s needs.
The types of security are: Group, Application, User, LDAP e LDAP/Application. They all provide similar configuration resources, the main difference between them is in the way access control and permission to use applications are applied to users.
In this type of security, system access and use permissions will be assigned to groups of users, for example: Administrators, Employees and Customers.
Users will have access permissions according to the groups they are part of. A user in the Administrator group will have full access to the system (sales report, user control), while a user in the customer group would only have access to the store and profile configuration.
Click Here to access detailed documentation for the Group Security Module.
Security by application works in a similar way to group security, with access permissions and use of the system, the difference is in the way these permissions will be applied. In this type of security, the administrator will have to define the permissions to use the system individually, per user.
Click Here to access the detailed documentation of the Application Security Module.
The module per user only has basic access control to the system. In this type of security, it is not possible to define access levels, all users will have access to all system applications.
Click Here to access detailed documentation of the Security Module per User.
This security module works in a similar way to user security, only controlling access to the system, without access levels, but using an LDAP server.
Click Here to access detailed documentation for the Ldap Type Security Module.
This type of security with LDAP works like the group security module, where the administrator defines the access and use permissions of the system for a group of users, but using an LDAP server.
Click Here to access detailed documentation for the Security Module of type Ldap/Application.