
Licensing options

Choose duration and licensing type

20% OFF


For development teams
$ 499.00 $ 399.20 billed annually. Equivalent to $ 33.26 per month. $ 1,049.00 $ 839.20
Lifetime License
Annual License
Single Database License. Choose between:
MySQL / MariaDB Interbase / Firebird PostgreSQL Access
  • Unlimited applications and DB connections
  • Upgrades included for one year
20% OFF


For development teams
$ 549.00 $ 439.20 billed annually. Equivalent to $ 36.60 per month. $ 1,209.00 $ 967.20
Lifetime License
Annual License
Multiple Database License for:
MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL SQLite Interbase Firebird Access
  • Unlimited applications and DB connections
  • Upgrades included for one year
20% OFF


For development teams
$ 769.00 $ 615.20billed annually. Equivalent to $ 51.26 per month. $ 1,719.00 $ 1,375.20
Lifetime License
Annual License
Multiple Database License for:
MySQL MariaDB PostgreSQL SQLite Sybase Interbase Firebird Access SQL Server Oracle Informix DB2 Progress ODBC
  • Unlimited applications and DB connections
  • Upgrades included for one year

Technical Support

Choose a technical support plan*

20% OFF

(Tickets Support)

$ 186.25 $ 149.00 $ 373.75 $ 299.00
06 months plan
Annual plan
Buy Now
  • Support via tickets

Priority support via tickets with agile responses during business hours*.

20% OFF

(Tickets + Chat Support + Remote Access)

$ 623.75 $ 499.00 $ 998.75 $ 799.00
06 months plan
Annual plan
Buy Now
  • Support via tickets
  • Unlimited chat support
  • Remote access of up to 2 hours 4 hours

Priority support via tickets with agile responses during business hours*.

(*) Our team of experts will assist you with technical questions related to the use of Scriptcase. Check out Support Agreement Terms. Business Hours: Monday to Friday (08:00 - 18:00 UTC/GMT -3).

Renewals & Upgrades

Log into your account and check out the options.

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Cannot buy online? contact a reseller in your region for local billing/payment, extra charges/taxes may apply.


Lifetime License

Perpetual licenses are valid for unlimited time, ensuring the first 12 months of upgrades and new features. After this period you will be able to Upgrade the license to receive all the news that we launch continuously in releases and higher versions.

Annual License

The subscription lasts for 12 months counted from the purchase, with the right to all updates and implementations. After this period, the license will expire and you will need to renew your subscription.

General information about Scriptcase installation

Each license can be used on only one computer/server. To use the software on more than one computer/server, you will need a separate license for each Scriptcase installation.

Single developers license

Single developers license means that a copy of the software is allowed to be used only on a single computer/server and only by a single user at a time. If you wish to use the software for more than one computer/server, you will need a separate license for each individual developer.

Multiple developers license

Multiple developers license means that a copy of the software is allowed to be used on a single computer/server and have the advantage of the concurrent use with several developers at a time, by purchasing more than one developer seat. It involves sharing the use of the program. If you wish to use the software for more than one computer/server, you will need a separate license for each individual developer.

Return Policy

In keeping with software industry standards, we will gladly accept returns of packaged software within 30 days of purchase in unregistered license key only.There is an evaluation version of our software available via download to anyone interested. This allows all prospective buyers to evaluate the product at their leisure to ensure that the software meets their needs before purchasing.

Renewals and upgrades

This is the Standard License that gives you the right to own and run the software forever, similarly to buying a packaged software in a store. Minor software patches or corrections will be offered free of charge for unlimited time. However, major and minor software upgrades/updates are offered with any additional cost just for the first 12 months. After this period, we recommend you subscribe to the annual maintenance plan to continue receiving all the new features and updates that we continuously release. All users of paid Scriptcase licenses also qualify for generous discounts on anticipated subscription renewals and product upgrades. You will be able to check the prices for your license here:

Product Delivery

Electronically, we deliver the License key to the customer e-mail. Software and manual can be downloaded from the website. Evaluation Kit can be downloaded for free and it becomes a definitive version once a license key/serial number is registered.

Royalty Free Distribution

All versions include an unlimited number of applications, projects and database connections. Applications created with Scriptcase are Royalty-Free Distribution, i.e. it can be distributed freely without further cost.

Prices in American dollars (USD)

If you need to use local currency or if you just can't make purchases online please contact our sales department on Individuals are responsible for paying local taxes on any purchases made in the Scriptcase store.

Do you have more questions?

Add support

Choose a technical support plan*

15 days support Special Deal

Buy a Scriptcase and get 15 days of support service via tickets, and even chat and remote access.
  • Tickets Unlimited
  • Plan 15 days

Basic (Tickets Support)

Tickets Technical Support, 180 days duration.
  • Total
    $ 149.00

Premium (Tickets + Chat Support + Remote Access)

Tickets and Chat Technical Support, 180 days duration. Remote access of up to 2 hours.
  • Total
    $ 499.00

*For more advanced questions related to using Scriptcase, we also offer some support plans that give access to a team of experts. See the contract of support.

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